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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:17 pm

Results for anger management

1 results found

Author: Hollist, Dusten R.

Title: Medicine Wheel and Anger Management Treatment in Montana Women's Prison: An Analysis of the Impact of Treatment on Inmate Misconduct and Recidivism

Summary: The purpose of this research is to examine the effectiveness of two therapeutic treatment programs currently available at the Montana Women's Prison (MWP): Medicine Wheel (MW), a Native American based chemical dependency program, and Anger Management (AM) treatment. Program effectiveness is measured using the rate of inmate misconduct while in MWP and the three-year recidivism rate of released inmates. The study was designed to allow for the comparison of misconduct rates before and after treatment and the comparison of after-treatment misconduct rates of those completing treatment and those not completing treatment. The study design also allows for the comparison of the recidivism rates of those who did or did not complete treatment. Major findings: Medicine Wheel (MW) - The vast majority of inmates (94.1%) had a prior arrest. More than half (66.7%) had served time in jail or prison as a result of a prior arrest. - Among those completing MW treatment, the percentage of inmates with conduct violations decreased after treatment. - Inmates who completed MW treatment had lower rates of recidivism than those in the comparable non-treatment group. - Native American inmates seem to benefit more from MW treatment. - Among those in the MW sample, younger inmates are more likely to return to prison. Anger Management (AM) - All of the 20 inmates had a prior arrest. Most (70.0%) had served time in jail as a result of a prior arrest - The rate of misconduct for inmates who completed AM treatment is significantly lower after treatment. - Of those inmates completing AM treatment, about three times as many showed a reduction in their misconduct rate rather than an increase after treatment. - Inmates who complete AM treatment have lower after-treatment rates of misconduct compared to inmates who do not receive treatment. - Inmates who completed AM treatment had lower rates of recidivism than those in the comparable non-treatment group.

Details: Missoula, University of Montana-Missoula, 2004. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 6, 2015 at: https://cor.mt.gov/Portals/104/Resources/Reports/MWP_AITPIMR.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: United States

URL: https://cor.mt.gov/Portals/104/Resources/Reports/MWP_AITPIMR.pdf

Shelf Number: 137206

Anger Management
Behavior Modification
Female Inmates
Female Prisoners
Prisoner Misconduct
Treatment Programs