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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for arrest rates (georgia)

1 results found

Author: Speir, John C.

Title: Georgia Urban and Rural Arrest and Incarceration Rates: Examining Racial Patterns

Summary: Georgia has witnessed a dramatic increase in its prison incarceration rate over the past fifteen years. Our last report (April 1, 2000), examined trends in crime, arrest and prison incarceration rates and highlighted dramatically different patterns in all three between urban and rural Georgia. These patterns raise questions about criminal justice system processing of whites and African-Americans residing in urban and rural counties. The purpose of this Special Research Report is to examine racial differences in Georgia'’s arrest and prison incarceration trends. The timing of this discussion is of particular importance as Georgia considers the establishment of statewide uniform and consistent responses to crime.

Details: Atlanta, GA: Applied Research Services, 2000. 7p.

Source: Special Research Report: Internet Resource: Accessed February 19, 2012 at http://ars-corp.com/_view/PDF_Files/GeorgiaUrban_RuralArrest_IncarcerateRates2000.pdf

Year: 2000

Country: United States

URL: http://ars-corp.com/_view/PDF_Files/GeorgiaUrban_RuralArrest_IncarcerateRates2000.pdf

Shelf Number: 124195

Arrest Rates (Georgia)
Incarceration Rates
Racial Disparities
Rural Crime
Urban Crime