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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:04 am

Results for arrest records

1 results found

Author: Bileski, Matt

Title: Completeness of Criminal History Records in Arizona, CY2002-2011

Summary: As mandated by Arizona Revised Statute §41-1750, Arizona criminal justice agencies are required to submit arrest and associated case disposition information for all felony, sexual, domestic violence-related, and driving under the influence (DUI) offenses to the central state repository, called the Arizona Computerized Criminal History (ACCH) records system. The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission’s Statistical Analysis Center used annual ACCH data provided by the Arizona Department of Public Safety to analyze the completeness (i.e., arrest charges with associated case disposition information attached) of ACCH records. The data used in this brief and presented in Tables 1, 3, and 4 exclude all arrest records leading to appellate court decisions and those records containing specific date errors (e.g., case disposition date information precedes date of arrest information).

Details: Phoenix: Arizona Criminal Justice Commission, 2013. 2p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 26, 2013 at: http://acjc.state.az.us/ACJC.Web/Pubs/Home/Completeness%20of%20Criminal%20History%20Records%20in%20Arizona,%20CY2002-2011.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://acjc.state.az.us/ACJC.Web/Pubs/Home/Completeness%20of%20Criminal%20History%20Records%20in%20Arizona,%20CY2002-2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 128138

Arrest Records
Criminal History Records
Criminal Records (Arizona, U.S.)