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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:58 am

Results for arrest and apprehensive

1 results found

Author: Burke, Cynthia

Title: Arrests 2013: Law Enforcement Response to Crime in the San Diego Region

Summary: The Criminal Justice Research Division of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) functions as the Clearinghouse for regional criminal justice information. On an annual basis, the Division prepares a report on local criminal justice agencies' response to crime in the region, as measured by arrest statistics. Because arrest statistics include information regarding whether the suspect is an adult or juvenile and includes a greater variety of crime types than are reported in regional crime reports (e.g., alcohol and other drug related offenses), this information provides an added dimension for understanding the nature of crime and an additional measure that can be used in justice system planning. This CJ Bulletin includes regional arrest rates per 1,000 adult and juvenile population, as well as numbers of arrests by offense type. In addition, 41 supplemental tables, which include statistics for individual jurisdictions, are presented. Some points to remember when interpreting these numbers include the following. - Similar to how the FBI counts reported crimes, the offense or charge attributed to an arrest may reflect only the most serious out of a number of violations included in the arrest. - Arrests are documented by the location at which the arrest occurred and cannot be assumed to have any relationship to the location of the crime incident or the residence of the alleged offender. - Arrest and crime rates and numbers should not be compared to one another. One reason is that the two events may occur in two entirely different periods of time, with an arrest made months or even years after the related crime was reported.

Details: San Diego: SANDAG, 2015. 51p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 1, 2015 at: http://www.sandag.org/uploads/publicationid/publicationid_1915_18705.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://www.sandag.org/uploads/publicationid/publicationid_1915_18705.pdf

Shelf Number: 135107

Arrest and Apprehensive
Crime Rates
Crime Statistics