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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for at-risk children

1 results found

Author: Centre for Effective Services

Title: EITP Workstream 2 Parenting Programmes Review

Summary: The Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP) is a Northern Ireland Executive/Atlantic Philanthropies Delivering Social Change Signature Programme, funded jointly by the Delivering Social Change fund, DoH, DE, DoJ, DfC, DfE and The Atlantic Philanthropies. EITP aims to improve outcomes for children and young people across Northern Ireland through embedding early intervention approaches. This report was produced for the Early Intervention Transformation Programme and funded by Atlantic Philanthropies. This report is primarily intended to inform the decision making relating to the development of the Early Intervention Transformation Programme projects. The Centre for Effective Services (CES) was asked to provide independent support to the Public Health Agency (PHA) in developing a core suite of parenting support programmes that could be implemented across Northern Ireland as a priority for investment, and to assess the readiness of Northern Ireland to implement these programmes. This report was initially intended to inform the development of this piece of work following discussion with the Workstream 2 working group. It was not originally intended for general circulation. The requirement was to develop a list of circa 10 recommended Parenting Programmes from the antenatal period to age 18. Our approach was to summarise the needs of children and families in Northern Ireland, provide an overview of current service provision of parenting support and compile preliminary information about the implementation of evidence based parenting programmes across the region. Given the scope of the exercise, it was not proposed to undertake a full audit of service provision and consequently there may be some errors and omissions. A separate document has also been produced which provides useful information for commissioning on each programme. Each programme has a one page summary which describes information such as the level of evidence, delivery setting, programme description, client group, outcomes, implementation cost and cost effectiveness where available, name of programme developer, references and a link for further information. It is available upon request. A discussion was held with the Workstream 2 working group on 31st October 2014 on the parenting programmes and how best to take this piece of work forward. Following this, work continued to develop a list of 'preferred' programmes or approaches and rate these using a RAG assessment of the degree to which Northern Ireland is ready to implement them.

Details: Belfast: The Centre, 2014. 108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 22, 2017 at: http://www.cypsp.hscni.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Workstream2_EITP_Parenting_Programme_Review_CES_Dec14.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.cypsp.hscni.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Workstream2_EITP_Parenting_Programme_Review_CES_Dec14.pdf

Shelf Number: 141172

At-Risk Children
Evidence-Based Programs
Intervention Programs
Parenting Programs