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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for at-risk youth (idaho)

1 results found

Author: Idaho State Police

Title: An Evaluation of a Comprehensive Community Initiative: Switch-Track

Summary: Canyon County, Idaho has historically been a gang and crime prone area partly due to its higher level of poverty and younger population. Knowing that truancy puts students at risk of becoming adult criminal offenders, the Caldwell Police Chief and The United Way of the Treasure Valley helped bring together community organizations to focus efforts on at-risk youth to reduce truancy. Through collaborative efforts Switch-Track was successful in developing inhouse attendance courts in two school districts and a formal Truancy Magistrate Court to criminally prosecute juveniles and parents who fail to abide by attendance court mandates. The Switch-Track initiative was also successful in supporting law enforcement drug and gang strategies and community prevention programs.

Details: Idaho: Planning, Grants, and Research, Statistical Analysis Center, Idaho State Police, 2012. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 28, 2012 at http://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/Research/documents/SwitchTrackFinal.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.isp.idaho.gov/pgr/Research/documents/SwitchTrackFinal.pdf

Shelf Number: 125089

At-Risk Youth (Idaho)
Community Participation (Idaho)
Delinquency Prevention (Idaho)
Police-Community Partnerships (Idaho)