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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:55 am

Results for boat theft

1 results found

Author: Queensland. Crime and Misconduct Commission

Title: Organised Property Crime in Queensland

Summary: Since 1999, the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) has monitored Queensland’s organised crime markets — including the organised property crime market — by means of a series of strategic assessments (CMC 2004, 2009; Queensland Crime Commission & Queensland Police Service 1999). These have consistently assessed the risk posed by organised property crime in Queensland as medium. In 2012 the CMC decided not to conduct a dedicated assessment of the organised property crime market. Instead, it reviewed organised crime trends in Queensland and identified the following current and emerging issues in organised property crime: » motor vehicle theft and rebirthing » boat theft and rebirthing » heavy equipment theft » copper theft. It is important to note that identifying these matters as key issues does not necessarily mean that organised criminals commit most or even many of the kinds of offences discussed here. Our analysis suggests that organised criminals are, however, more likely to be involved in these than other kinds of property crime. This, combined with indications of possible increasing trends over the next two to three years, is why these issues have been highlighted over others. Key findings of the report: 1. Organised vehicle theft in Queensland is likely to increase over the next two to three years, based on recent increases in profit-motivated vehicle thefts, and increasing interstate trends in the theft of vehicles for parts or sale as scrap metal. 2. Compared with organised vehicle theft, organised vehicle rebirthing is less likely to increase because of Queensland’s regulatory standards. 3. Organised heavy equipment theft is increasing in Queensland, particularly in rural and regional areas. These offences are likely to continue to increase over the next few years, assuming continued growth in the mining and construction industries. 4. Most boat thefts in Queensland are organised, and there remains potential for organised crime groups to further exploit this crime type. There are currently weaknesses in boat identification and registration practices providing opportunities for offenders to dispose of stolen boats. 5. Copper theft in Queensland is largely opportunistic, but the associated harms are significant. Monitoring and early action can prevent the issue from escalating as it has done internationally. 6. Key factors contributing to organised property crimes in Queensland are the profits involved, property that is not adequately secure, weaknesses in product identification and registration practices (especially for heavy equipment and boats), and difficulties experienced by law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting offenders. 7. Members of the public and business operators should take steps to reduce the likelihood of their property being targeted by organised or opportunistic criminals.

Details: Brisbane: Crime and Miscondcut Commission, 2012. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 10, 2012 at: www.cmc.qld.gov.au/

Year: 2012

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 127199

Automobile Theft
Boat Theft
Car Theft
Copper Theft
Heavy Equipment Theft
Motor Vehicle Theft
Organized Crime (Australia)
Property Crime