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Results for bonded labour

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Author: Oosterhoff, Pauline

Title: Using Participatory Statistics to Examine the Impact of Interventions to Eradicate Slavery: Lessons from the Field

Summary: This CDI Practice Paper reflects on the use of participatory statistics to assess the impact of interventions to eradicate slavery and bonded labour. It deals with: (1) the challenges of estimating changes in the magnitude of various forms of slavery; (2) the potential of combining participatory approaches with statistical principles to generate robust data for assessing impact of slavery eradication; and (3) the practical and ethical questions in relation to working with people living within a context of modern slavery. The paper draws lessons from the realities of using participatory statistics to support the evaluation of a slavery eradication programme in North India.

Details: Brighton, UK: Institute of Develoipment Studies, Centre for Development Impact, 2016. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Practice Paper no. 16: Accessed April 1, 2016 at: http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/9582/CDIPracticePaper_16.pdf?sequence=5

Year: 2016

Country: International

URL: http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/9582/CDIPracticePaper_16.pdf?sequence=5

Shelf Number: 138519

Bonded Labor
Bonded Labour
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery

Author: Oosterhoff, Pauline

Title: The Modern Slavery Trap: Bonded Labour

Summary: International enterprises, sex work, organised crime groups, and exploitative recruitment agencies have dominated the discussion on modern slavery in recent years. However, while this work is important, it is just the tip of the iceberg. It misses the diversity of relationships and perpetrators colluding to make modern slavery, and particularly bonded labour, a public secret in the twenty-first century. Across the world bonded labour is taking place in formal and informal industries, such as brick kilns or quarries and in restaurants, tea shops, nail salons, or carpet-making. In areas of South Asia, some families marginalised by customs and traditions are living in poverty and turning to illegal moneylenders to cover emergency costs, such as a sudden illness. This leads some to become trapped in a cycle of bonded labour. Financially illiterate, they are forced to pay off the debt by working for the moneylenders directly or for third parties linked to the moneylenders, who may be local landlords or businesses in local activities such as brickmaking, farming, stone breaking and garment making, and in some cases trafficking.

Details: Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, 2018. 4p.

Source: Internet Resource: IDS Modern Slavery Briefing: Accessed June 25, 2018 at: https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/13764/Modern_Slavery_Briefing.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/13764/Modern_Slavery_Briefing.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Shelf Number: 150649

Bonded Labor
Bonded Labour
Modern Slavery

Author: Oosterhoff, Pauline

Title: Participatory statistics to measure prevalence in bonded labour hotspots in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar: findings of the baseline study

Summary: The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) has been carrying out a programme of research, learning and evaluation in relation to the Freedom Fund 'hotspot' in northern India, a project that seeks to reduce bonded labour in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The work for this baseline study builds upon scoping visits comprising interviews with nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), focus groups with community members, field observations, the participatory collection and analysis of 353 life stories to identify the most significant indicators of change, and the generation of a baseline of participatory statistics of 3,466 households across 82 hamlets in locations covered by 14 NGOs. This is being followed by the rollout of a systemic action research programme which combines stakeholders analysing and developing solutions to their problems with follow-up participatory statistical analysis. We will conduct an end-line survey approximately two years after the data collection for this study has been completed. A central aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of bonded labour in the selected intervention communities of the Freedom Fund hotspot in northern India. The study does not extrapolate from this estimate to make an estimate of the prevalence beyond this intervention area. Prevalence data help mainly to understand the profile of families in bonded labour and any correlations with different variables. The analysis of life stories provided a better insight into the life situations of families in bonded labour and explored questions of why and how. A range of other indicators could therefore be generated from the causal factors emerging from the life story analysis. The team facilitated a discussion on the results at the end of the data collection process in each site. These discussions focused on the reasons for the differences in prevalence results using the tallied-up data to explore how gender, age and caste dynamics shape bonded labour, with most adults in bonded labour working inside the village; most boys in bondage working outside the village; and a group of families with all members in bonded labour working outside the village. The estimates from this participatory statistical analysis show the correlations of bonded labour with various factors. Where possible, conclusions have been drawn about whether this quantitative analysis corroborates certain widely held assumptions with regard to forms of bonded labour in India. Key findings are as follows: - Within the sample of 3,466 households, most households have a member in bonded labour. Among the 51% of the families that had people in bonded labour, 29% had all of the working family members in bonded labour and 22% had at least one enslaved family member. The interventions are clearly in the right spot. - There are huge geographic variations within our sample: in some intervention areas, the vast majority of households had some form of bonded labour (>95%), while in others the rate was less than 10%. - Within the intervention communities, the prevalence rate of households with at least one member in bonded labour was 53.0%. With a standard deviation of 0.4991032, and a desired confidence level of 90%, the corresponding confidence interval is ± 0.014, meaning that we can be 90% confident that the true population mean falls within the range of 51.72 to 54.51%. - Among the total number of 3,366 bonded labourers in 3,466 households, 568 were bonded labourers aged below 18 years and 467 of these were boys. Most of the boys who were involved in bonded labour worked outside the village. Adults in bonded labour worked more often inside the village. - Caste, gender, age, access to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) benefits, and loan-taking are the key factors at the individual and household level related to bonded labour in this hotspot. Within the hotspot as a whole there are different economic activities but there are currently few economic opportunities available that do not involve some form of bondage. - With regard to social status, most people in the intervention areas belonged to the Dalit (or Scheduled Caste) social category, followed closely by Other Backward Classes (OBC). - The data show a link between land ownership status and bonded labour. While 61.9% of landless households have at least one person in bonded labour, as many as 75.9% of landless households have every working member of the household in bonded labour. As the size of the land holding increases, the prevalence of bonded labour in those households decreases. Within the intervention communities in both states, most people have a stable lease for the house they live in. - Health expenses are the main reason for taking out a loan among all households in the intervention areas. - With regard to MGNREGA, as payment received for the number of days worked increases, the incidence of bonded labour decreases slightly. - Access to a bank account does not have any significant impact on the status of bonded labour.

Details: Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies; Institute for Participatory Practices, 2017. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 26, 2018 at: https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/13294/Participatory_statistics_to_measure_prevalence_bonded_labour_hotspots_Uttar_Pradesh_Bihar-Updated.pdf;jsessionid=F6499342A64338979F2609003F2B81A2?sequence=3

Year: 2017

Country: India

URL: https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/bitstream/handle/123456789/13294/Participatory_statistics_to_measure_prevalence_bonded_labour_hotspots_Uttar_Pradesh_Bihar-Updated.pdf;jsessionid=F6499342A64338979F2609003F2B81A2?sequence=3

Shelf Number: 153102

Bonded Labor
Bonded Labour
Forced Labor
Modern Slavery