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Results for burglary prevention

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Author: Morgan, Anthony

Title: Access control and awareness campaigns to prevent residential burglary: Handbook for local government

Summary: This handbook forms part of a series of guides to support local governments in New South Wales to implement evidence-based crime prevention strategies funded by the Department of Justice (DJ) Crime Prevention Programs (CPP). This handbook has been developed to help guide you through the various stages of planning, implementing and evaluating an access control strategy and awareness campaign to prevent residential burglary in your local government area. Using the handbook The handbook provides an overview of the key steps that are involved in delivering an access control and awareness campaign to prevent residential burglary. These steps are classified under the following three stages: • Stage 1: Planning • Stage 2: Implementation; and • Stage 3: Review. These steps do not necessarily need to be undertaken in order. You may undertake some steps concurrently, or you may need to go back and revisit earlier steps. However, it is vital that some steps be undertaken early on in the project, such as consulting stakeholders and planning for evaluation. The successful implementation of a prevention strategy will often be heavily influenced by the characteristics of the local community. This needs to be considered throughout the project. This term burglary is used throughout this handbook to refer to both 'break and enter – dwelling' and 'stealing from dwelling' offences. These offences differ in the way that the offender enters the building. Break and enter – dwelling refers to offences where the offender forcibly gains entry to someone’s home. Stealing from dwelling involves property being stolen from someone's home where the offender doesn’t break in, but instead gains entry through an open door or window or steals property from the yard. You will need to choose just one of these offences to target, based on your local crime statistics, etc. The strategies for either offence, however, will be the same.

Details: Sydney: New South Wales Department of Justice, 2012. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 21, 2016 at: http://www.crimeprevention.nsw.gov.au/Documents/Councils-Handbooks/burglary_handbook.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.crimeprevention.nsw.gov.au/Documents/Councils-Handbooks/burglary_handbook.pdf

Shelf Number: 147768

Burglary Prevention
Crime Prevention
Publicity Campaigns
Residential Burglary