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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:08 pm

Results for cargo theft (netherlands)

1 results found

Author: Wijs, Rutger de

Title: Improving Knowledge Transfer in Public-Private Partnerships that Confront Dutch Road Freight Transport Related Crime

Summary: Because road freight transport safety in the Netherlands is a rising concern, the Dutch police and the affected Dutch transport sector, along with a number of other public and private stakeholders, have joined forces in the form of public-private partnership initiatives directed toward confronting road freight transport related crime in the Netherlands. As all parties involved possess unique but relevant knowledge, transferring this knowledge between partners is important. However, it is also difficult to achieve. Therefore the problem statement of this research is: how can knowledge transfer be improved in Public-Private Partnerships that confront Dutch road freight transport related crime? The knowledge transfer environment is shaped by the way Public-Private Partnerships are organised as well as the way people within them interact with each other and the knowledge to be transferred. This environment consists of 10 factors, which are all interrelated. To investigate how knowledge transfer occurs in these Public-Private Partnerships and to offer recommendations on how this can be improved, 18 semi-structured interviews were held with the most relevant and available people from five Public-Private Partnerships. The recommendations on how to improve knowledge transfer in Public-Private Partnerships that confront Dutch road freight transport related crime are organised in terms of how to improve structure and interaction. Structural recommendations refer to increased interaction by strategic and operational level partnerships, care for the ideal organisational structure, the inclusion of an operational field lab as well as a knowledge securing software system and the screening of potential partners as well as the optimal amount of partners and their preferred organisation size. The interaction recommendations refer to increasing empathy between partners, stimulating open communication, ensuring that the people who represent a partner stay on for the long-term and selecting the people who represent partners based on a number of individual competences.

Details: Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg University, Department of Organization, and Strategy, 2010. 103p.

Source: Internet Resource: Master Thesis: Accessed July 11, 2011 at: http://www.rpcgelderland-midden.nl/uploads/tx_rpcinfo/Onderzoek_-_het_verbeteren_van_kennisdeling_in_PPSen.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Netherlands

URL: http://www.rpcgelderland-midden.nl/uploads/tx_rpcinfo/Onderzoek_-_het_verbeteren_van_kennisdeling_in_PPSen.pdf

Shelf Number: 122018

Cargo Theft (Netherlands)
Public-Private Partnerships
Transport Industry
Transport Theft
Transportation Security