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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for child abuse and neglect (northern ireland)

1 results found

Author: Gallagher, Margaret

Title: Helpline Highlight: Northern Ireland: A year in review April 2011-March 2012

Summary: The NSPCC has provided a helpline in Northern Ireland for the last 25 years, as part of a UK-wide service. The helpline protects children by providing advice and information to adults and professionals, and by making referrals to trusts and the police when necessary. People can get in touch by telephone, text, email or online. Those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can make contact by textphone or webcam. In 2011/121, over 44,000 people across the UK reported concerns about children, a 29 per cent increase on the previous year. This report, however, explores the data available for Northern Ireland. It identifies the numbers of adults in Northern Ireland who contacted the helpline, the nature of the concerns they had about children, the length of time they waited before getting in touch, and the number of cases the helpline had to refer to Northern Ireland children’s services or police. These topline statistics have been supplemented by an in depth review of 200 Northern Ireland contacts that resulted in a referral to social services or police. This report features anonymised quotes from some of these contacts, to provide the reader with a sense of the nature and content of these cases. Key findings • In 2011/12 the helpline responded to 691 contacts from people in Northern Ireland. • This is an increase of 58 per cent on the previous year. • 353 of the contacts in 2011/12 resulted in referrals – involving 717 children – to children’s services or the police in NI (1.7 per cent of all referrals made by the helpline across the UK). • 338 were contacts where helpline counsellors2 provided information or advice, helping an estimated 676 children (1.6 per cent of the total number of advice calls dealt by the helpline across the UK). • Neglect was the leading cause for referrals (138 cases, 39 per cent); it accounted for 12 per cent of cases where we offered advice (40 contacts). • 14 per cent of referrals (50) were about sexual abuse. This is higher than the UK average, which was 10 per cent. • 289 children (45 per cent) involved in referrals were under six years old3. • In total, 138 people contacting us from Northern Ireland reported that they had concerns for more than a month, with 68 of these being so serious we had to make referrals. • In cases where the concerns were so significant we had to make referrals, 41 people (32 per cent)4 had waited more than six months before getting in touch (compared to 26 per cent for the rest of the UK). • The majority of contacts leading to referrals came from members of the public, not from family members or professionals.

Details: London: NSPCC, 2013. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 5, 2013 at: http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/helpline/helpline-highlight-northern-ireland-pdf_wdf94910.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/helpline/helpline-highlight-northern-ireland-pdf_wdf94910.pdf

Shelf Number: 128291

Child Abuse and Neglect (Northern Ireland)
Child Maltreatment
Child Protection
Child Sexual Abuse