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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:51 am

Results for child maltreatment (asia)

1 results found

Author: United Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Title: Child Maltreatment: Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences in East Asia and the Pacific. A Systematic Review of Research

Summary: Child maltreatment – the physical, sexual and emotional abuse, exploitation and neglect of children – has been shown through the World Report on Violence and Health (2002) and the UN Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children (2006) to be widely prevalent in all societies. According to recent global data, more than one in four children worldwide reported having experienced severe and frequent physical abuse, while child sexual abuse was experienced by nearly one in five females and one in eleven males. Maltreatment can have profound and damaging consequences during childhood and adolescence and throughout adult life. Children who have experienced abuse or neglect are more likely to have poorer physical and/or mental health outcomes; social difficulties, such as insecure attachments with caregivers and problematic relationships with peers, and as adults later in life; cognitive dysfunction, attributable to the negative impact of excessive stress on brain development; high-risk behaviours, such as drug and alcohol abuse, early sexual activity and resulting teenage parenting; and behavioural problems, including aggression and adult criminality. In addition to addressing these crucial dimensions of children’s rights, investing in protecting children has a direct positive impact on a country’s human capital and economic growth and reduces the burden of government spending on the long-term consequences of abuse. National child protection systems are recognized as the most effective and sustainable means to protect children from all forms of maltreatment. The absence of such a system frequently leads to incomplete coverage, and to individual violations being addressed as separate, unrelated problems. UNICEF is strongly committed to working with partners to prevent and respond to child maltreatment. The Strengthening Child Protection System Series is a package of evidence and tools to support this effort in the East Asia and Pacific Region. It provides information and guidance on the scale and nature of child maltreatment, the immediate and long-term costs of such maltreatment to individuals, families and society, and effective and sustainable policies and programmes for child protection. The series is intended to contribute to an enhanced evidence base for rights-based interventions and the development of strong child protection systems in countries across the region. This publication, number 1 in the series, presents the findings of a systematic review of research over the last decade on the prevalence, incidence and consequences of child maltreatment in the region. While qualitative studies on particular forms of child abuse and exploitation in the region are numerous, scientific research on the overall extent of child maltreatment is severely lacking. This review has applied a rigorous methodology in identifying and analysing peer reviewed research as well as grey literature on the scale and nature of child maltreatment in the region to provide as reliable a picture as possible of current knowledge and understanding. The findings are intended to support the development of a model to estimate costs of child maltreatment, as a credible means of estimating the minimum, lifetime direct and indirect costs of child maltreatment across countries in East Asia and the Pacific. Such a model can demonstrate the potential economic savings to governments and society that would accrue from effective, evidence-based policies and programmes for the prevention of child maltreatment.

Details: Bangkok, Thailand: UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office, 2012. 232-.

Source: Internet Resource: Strengthening Child Protection Systems Series: No 1: Accessed September 10, 2012 at: http://www.unicef.org/eapro/Child_Maltreatment.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Asia

URL: http://www.unicef.org/eapro/Child_Maltreatment.pdf

Shelf Number: 126289

Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Maltreatment (Asia)
Child Protection
Child Sexual Abuse
Children, Crimes Against