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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:50 am

Results for child maltreatment (sierra leone)

1 results found

Author: International Human Rights Clinic

Title: Digging in the Dirt: Child Miners in Sierra Leone's Diamond Industry

Summary: Based on the experiences of child miners interviewed in over two dozen artisanal diamond mining sites, this report describes how the rights of child laborers are grossly violated while working in these mines. Drawing from over 200 interviews with diamond diggers, mining actors, local chiefs, mine union representatives, community leaders and members of mining communities, the report seeks to deepen understandings of the practice of child mining and inform immediate responses that are necessary to eliminate this exploitative practice.

Details: Cambridge, MA: International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School, 2009. 77p.


Year: 2009

Country: Sierra Leone


Shelf Number: 118337

Child Labor (Sierra Leone)
Child Maltreatment (Sierra Leone)
Children's Rights (Sierra Leone)