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Results for child protection services

2 results found

Author: Bogie, Andrea

Title: Assessing Risk of Future Delinquency Among Children Receiving Child Protection Services

Summary: Children who experience maltreatment are more likely than other children to be arrested and/or referred for delinquent offenses. Maltreated children are more likely to become delinquent at a younger age, and their risk of delinquency increases as their exposure to violence increases. In an effort to prevent children who are already involved with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (LA DCFS) from becoming involved with the Los Angeles County Probation Department, county managers sought to develop a structured, actuarial assessment to help identify which children served by LA DCFS were most likely to become delinquent. The managers intend to provide additional supports to children who are at high risk of future delinquency. For example, the county may provide wraparound services to meet the specific needs of these high risk children, in an effort to prevent them from becoming delinquent. This report describes a longitudinal study conducted by the Children’s Research Center (CRC) to identify the risk factors for subsequent delinquency, and if possible, construct a screening assessment that classifies children with an open child protective services (CPS) case by the likelihood of future delinquency. The next section examines findings from peer-reviewed literature regarding the needs and characteristics of children involved with both child welfare and juvenile justice systems, and provides more detail about the objectives of the current study. Subsequent sections of the report describe the methodology followed to construct an actuarial assessment that classifies children by risk of delinquency, and review findings of the study. The summary section identifies limitations of the current research and proposes next steps for piloting use of the delinquency screening assessment.

Details: Oakland, CA: Children's Research Center, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, 2011. 57p.

Source: Prepared for Los Angeles County Department of Children and Families: Internet Resource: Accessed March 25, 2012 at http://www.nccd-crc.org/crc/crc/pubs/LA_Delinquency_Screening_Assessment_Report.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nccd-crc.org/crc/crc/pubs/LA_Delinquency_Screening_Assessment_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 124747

Child Maltreatment
Child Protection Services
Juvenile Delinquency
Risk Assessment

Author: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Title: Young people in child protection services and under youth justice supervision 2014-15

Summary: Research shows that children and young people who have been abused or neglected are at greater risk of engaging in criminal activity and entering the youth justice system. A better understanding of the characteristics and pathways of children and young people who are both in the child protection system and under youth justice supervision can assist support staff, case workers and policy makers to get the best outcomes for these children and young people. With the recent introduction of a national unit record child protection data collection, it is now possible to link child protection and youth justice supervision data to explore the relationships between child protection and youth justice supervision. This report presents information on young people aged 10–17 who were involved in the child protection system and subject to youth justice supervision at some time during 2014–15, using data from the linked child protection and youth justice supervision data collection. Results are limited to the 5 jurisdictions with both child protection and youth justice National Minimum Data Set data for 2014–15 (Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory)—a total of 30,402 young people aged 10–17. The results from the linked data collection will be enhanced in future years as data become available for more states and territories and as years of data accumulate. Linking to other health and welfare data collections would also provide additional information on multiple service use among vulnerable children and young people. Young people in the child protection system were 14 times as likely as the general population to be under youth justice supervision in the same year In 2014–15, 5.5% of those aged 10–17 who were in the child protection system were also under youth justice supervision in the same year (although not necessarily at the same time), compared with just 0.4% of the general population aged 10–17. Indigenous young people in the child protection system were more than twice as likely to be under youth justice supervision as non-Indigenous young people (10.4% compared with 4.3%). The level of dual involvement was 8.0% for those under care and protection orders, 6.3% for those in out-of-home care and 4.1% for those who were the subject of an investigated notification. Young people under youth justice supervision were 15 times as likely as the general population to be in the child protection system in the same year In 2014–15, 32.4% of those under youth justice supervision were also in the child protection system. Two (2) in 5 (40.8%) of those in detention were involved in the child protection system in the same year, which is 19 times the rate for the general population. The level of child protection involvement for those under community-based supervision in 2014–15 was also high: with about one-third (32.1%) also in the child protection system. The younger someone was at their first youth justice supervision, the more likely they were to also be in child protection in 2014–15: of those under youth justice supervision in 2014–15, 3 in 5 (60.0%) of those aged 10 at their first youth justice supervision were also in child protection in 2014–15, compared with 9.4% of those aged 17.

Details: Canberra: AIHW, 2016. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Data Linkage Series NO. 22: Accessed November 10, 2016 at: http://apo.org.au/files/Resource/aihw_20323_oct_2016.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://apo.org.au/files/Resource/aihw_20323_oct_2016.pdf

Shelf Number: 146665

Child Protection Services
Juvenile Detention
Juvenile Inmates
Juvenile Offenders