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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:12 pm

Results for child sex trafficking (asia)

1 results found

Author: Jacomy, Severine

Title: Risks and Realities of Child Trafficking and Exploitation in Central Asia

Summary: This study explores three hypotheses regarding the issue of child trafficking in the Central Asia area: 1) More child trafficking occurs in Central Asia than is currently acknowledged; 2) Child trafficking is closely linked to other societal issues; and 3) Current systems fail to adequately prevent and respond to child trafficking.

Details: Geneva: UNICEF Regional Office for CEE/CIS, 2009. 97p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Asia


Shelf Number: 118669

Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Sex Trafficking (Asia)
Child Trafficking
Human Trafficking