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Results for child sexual abuse (africa)

2 results found

Author: Ellery, Frances

Title: Out from the Shadows: Sexual Violence Against Children with Disabilities

Summary: Children with disabilities are among the most marginalised in the world. The issue of sexual violence against them is largely ignored: shrouded in taboos and far from a political priority, very little research has been conducted on this issue. Sexual violence is just one tragic consequence of the structural and social discrimination facing children with disabilities. Many live in relative isolation, have little interaction with people in whom they could confide; and are uninformed about their rights. This is compounded by their acute lack of access to education and other services, including reporting mechanisms, which rarely accommodate their individual needs. Perpetrators of sexual violence enjoy almost total impunity. In many cases, perpetrators are part of the family or community upon which the child is dependent and, therefore, hold great power over them. Children with disabilities also face insurmountable barriers to accessing legal and judicial systems. The few cases that are officially reported rarely reach a court hearing or result in an appropriate sentence. As a consequence, survivors are deterred from speaking out, which in turn perpetuates their vulnerability. This new report by Handicap International and Save the Children is based on first-hand research in four African countries: Burundi, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania (Zanzibar). Researchers interviewed adults with disabilities who had been abused as children, as well as carers, lawyers, judges, police, social workers, teachers and members of disabled people’s organisations. This evidence is supported by a global literature review. Handicap International and Save the Children have created a set of recommendations, developed in consultation with children, young people and professionals working on this issue around the word. We hope they will be taken forward by governments, donors and civil society organisations, communities, and children and young people.

Details: London: Save the Children, 2011. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 23, 2011 at: http://www.handicap-international.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/BF443E7C-570C-4DB9-AB69-56E3B278DD35/0/OutFromTheShadows_2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.handicap-international.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/BF443E7C-570C-4DB9-AB69-56E3B278DD35/0/OutFromTheShadows_2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 123432

Child Sexual Abuse (Africa)
Handicapped Persons
Sexual Violence

Author: The African Child Policy Forum (ACPF)

Title: Violence Against Children in Africa: A Compilation of the main findings of the various research projects conducted by the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) since 2006

Summary: This compilation highlights the main findings of the various research reports produced by the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) on violence against children. Most of the studies involve direct interviews with children and young adults and are designed to result nationally representative and quantitative estimates on physical, sexual and psychological violence. The compilation, we believe, will lessen the burden of reviewing the bulk of reports and enables the International NGO Advisory Council to glean the main results relatively easily. For details on each of the studies, the researchers can still go into each of the respective reports which have also been made available through the link (http://www.box.net/shared/dxczumnolf) to serve as reference materials. The compilation contains all the studies carried out after 2006 as a follow up to the UN Secretary General‟s Study on violence against children. It highlights the scale and extent of all forms of violence against children in a number of countries in Africa almost in all settings: home and family, schools, care and justice systems, places of work and the community. For easier navigation, the document has been organized into three sections. The first part contains information on the prevalence of violence against children and particularly in relation to different forms of physical, psychological and sexual violence experienced by children. The second part focuses on harmful traditional practices affecting children in the African continent. The third and final part covers violence experienced by the most vulnerable groups of children. In this part, we have included the findings of our surveys on violence against children with disabilities, which is a new attempt in the African context.

Details: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: The African Child Policy Forum, 2011. 39p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 24, 2012 at http://www.africanchildforum.org/site/images/stories/ACPF_violence_against_children.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Africa

URL: http://www.africanchildforum.org/site/images/stories/ACPF_violence_against_children.pdf

Shelf Number: 125054

Child Abuse and Neglect (Africa)
Child Maltreatment (Africa)
Child Sexual Abuse (Africa)
Children, Crimes Against (Africa)
Violence Against Children (Africa)