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Results for child trafficking (europe)

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Author: European Forum for Urban Safety

Title: Wandering Young People: The Conditions for Return

Summary: The publication “Wandering young people: the conditions for return” is the last step of an 18-month project as a feasibility study on the reintegration of isolated minors victims of trafficking, based on 600 study cases in Albania, Austria, France, Italy, Romania and Spain. This project, co-financed by the European Commission, is the result of a convergence of interests and questionings between local authorities – represented by the European Forum for Urban Safety and, within it the cities of Turin and Barcelona, to which was later added the Land of Tyrol – and associations specialised in taking care of and following up foreign minors, represented by the Jeunes Errants association (based in Marseilles) and Terre des hommes (regional child protection project based in Budapest). In a case-by-case approach, the study allowed for the analysis by the project’s various partners of 600 cases of minors potentially victims of trafficking. Initially it was a matter of identifying who these minors were, putting them back in their identity, history and life plan. The particular situation of these minors in fact requires appropriate responses. This can be done by proposing typologies and, for each of them, tracks for comprehension and resolution. Our categorisation was anxious to reproduce the nature of complex process of trafficking and migration, accounting for the children’s histories in an overall approach. The notion of vulnerabilities is important here: identifying them can allow for understanding the sequences in an itinerary and the solutions to envisage, in particular in a perspective of return (as well as prevention of new cases of trafficking). The study also allowed for studying how these minors become integrated into the environment of different European destination cities. For it is indeed the local and/or municipal authorities who are on the front line faced with the phenomenon of minors victims of trafficking and illicit activities that ensue and occur on their territory. On this occasion, a certain number of dysfunctions were noted. (…) Between the development of organised networks and the toughening of States’ migratory policies, now more than ever the operationalisation of the child’s rights raises a question. This study aims at providing solutions to succeed in reconciling the two imperatives that are 1) the return of victims of trafficking in human beings to their country of origin and 2) taking into account the particular vulnerability of children victims of trafficking in human beings. From this viewpoint, our recommendations are thus organised around three main lines: 1) case-by-case treatment; 2) the support of pluridisciplinary work and cooperation of players; 3) the development of transnational strategies and solidarities of responsibility.

Details: Terre des hommes, European Forum For Urban Safety, Federation Jeunes Errants, 2009. 117p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 9, 2012 at: http://tdh-childprotection.org/documents/wandering-young-people-the-conditions-for-return

Year: 2009

Country: Europe

URL: http://tdh-childprotection.org/documents/wandering-young-people-the-conditions-for-return

Shelf Number: 117797

Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking (Europe)
Human Trafficking