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Results for child trafficking (ireland)

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Author: Children's Rights Alliance

Title: Safe Care for Trafficked Children in Ireland: Developing a Protective Environment

Summary: This report focuses on developments in care for trafficked children in Ireland with a specific aim of outlining current practice in Ireland in relation to the provision of safe and appropriate accommodation, care, supports, and legal protection to trafficked children or those children suspected of being trafficked. The report is based on a series of interviews carried out by the research team between September and December 2011, on child trafficking, with professionals in the areas of child welfare, care, education, and advocacy. It also incorporates written feedback received between December 2011 and May 2012 from the HSE, AHTU, Irish Refugee Council, Immigrant Council of Ireland and Barnardos on draft reports. Furthermore, it draws on publicly available information on child trafficking in Ireland and internationally. Up to now the public discussion on child trafficking in Ireland has largely focused on the known cases of separated children and the vulnerability of this particular group. Until the end of 2010, responsibility for the care of this group of children lay largely with the Separated Children Seeking Asylum team of the HSEB who have developed insight and expertise in this area. This can now be utilised in the transition to the new care arrangements for separated children. There is another emerging group of nonmigrant children who are being trafficked in Ireland. We understand that there have been prosecutions and other cases are under investigation and are therefore not discussed in this report. Information was not available on these cases at the time of writing the report. Nevertheless, our recommendations on safe care provisions are applicable to all groups of trafficked children or children vulnerable to trafficking. Trafficking is a contentious term and while international and national definitions have been developed, we have found that understandings in practice can differ, leading to variations of approach and perspective. The report comprises of five sections plus a section on conclusions and recommendations arising from the research exercise. Section 1, ‘Child Trafficking: Brief Overview and Key Policy Responses’, offers an outline of child trafficking, including key policy directions and practices, with a focus on current developments in the area. Section 2, ‘Separated children and Service Provision in Ireland: A Service in Transition’ looks at the context in which services have transitioned from a largely Dublin based hostel system of provision to a national fostering based service for separated and trafficked children. Section 3, ‘Child Trafficking: Key Concerns’ addresses three specific issues which emerged from this research namely missing children, family reunification and aftercare. Section 4, ‘Training’ highlights areas where training needs are most crucial including identification of those children and young people who are trafficked or at risk of being trafficked, developing resources in responding to their care needs, awareness of security and safety issues as well as developing cultural competency. Section 5, ‘Public Awareness Campaigning’ examines the role of various advocacy and awareness raising campaigns as well as the issue of the development of a dedicated missing children hotline. Finally, Section 6, ‘Developing a Protective Environment: Conclusions and Recommendations’ brings together some important issues as identified in this research which could inform practice in the area of safe care for trafficked children going forward.

Details: Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance, 2012. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 15, 2013 at: http://www.childrensrights.ie/sites/default/files/submissions_reports/files/SafeCareForTraffickedChildrenInIrelandReport.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Ireland

URL: http://www.childrensrights.ie/sites/default/files/submissions_reports/files/SafeCareForTraffickedChildrenInIrelandReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 127963

Child Protection
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking (Ireland)
Human Trafficking