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Results for child trafficking (u.k.)

3 results found

Author: Cavener, John

Title: Sexual Exploitation: 'Internal Trafficking' of Chidlren and Young People at Risk in the North East and Cumbria

Summary: This report explores the internal trafficking of children and young people for the purpose of sexual exploitation across the North East and Cumbria. The project was funded by the Northern Rock Foundation, and took place across a 16-month period beginning in August 2008. The main aims and objectives of this project were to highlight: · What factors make children and young people vulnerable to sexual exploitation within the region; · What factors facilitate the internal trafficking of children and young people at risk of sexual exploitation within the region; · What range of sexually exploitative activities children and young people within the region are engaged in; and · What levels of professional awareness, range of interventions, gaps in provision and models of practice exist among agencies engaging children and young people at risk.

Details: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Northern Rock Foundation, 2010. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 2, 2010 at: http://www.nr-foundation.org.uk/downloads/Sexual%20Exploitation%20-%20Internal%20Trafficking.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.nr-foundation.org.uk/downloads/Sexual%20Exploitation%20-%20Internal%20Trafficking.pdf

Shelf Number: 120349

Child Prostitution
Child Trafficking (U.K.)
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: ECPAT UK

Title: On the Safe Side: Principles for the Safe Accommodation of Child Victims of Trafficking

Summary: This report details 10 principles for the safe accommodation of child victims of trafficking.It is a vital resource for those providing accommodation for child victims of trafficking and acts as a clear, easily accessible guide to safe accommodation that is aimed to reduce the number of child victims of trafficking going missing from local authority care. It brings together a wealth of research so that practitioners are able to successfully meet the required standards of safe accommodation, while taking into account the complex needs of a child victim of trafficking, putting the child at the heart of the model.

Details: London: ECPAT UK, 2011. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 2, 2012 at: http://www.ecpat.org.uk/sites/default/files/on_the_safe_side.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.ecpat.org.uk/sites/default/files/on_the_safe_side.pdf

Shelf Number: 124346

Child Pornography
Child Prostitution
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Trafficking (U.K.)
Victims of Trafficking

Author: Sigona, Nando

Title: Being children and undocumented in the UK: A background paper

Summary: This background paper offers a critical review of key terms, concepts and evidence which will inform our ongoing qualitative study on the situation of undocumented migrant minors in the UK. The paper first addresses issues related to the definition of the target group, considering in particular the dichotomy legal/illegal immigration and showing how it fails to acknowledge two important aspects: the layered nature of legal status and entitlements, and the mobility between different statuses over time. It then introduces the debate on children in migration and illustrates some of the tensions that the migration of children produces, both discursively and in policy terms. It goes on to consider the legal and policy context in which children and families without legal status are embedded in Britain. It discusses the complex and contradictory position of this group as revealed in policy documents and existing immigration and child-related legislation. It focuses in particular on issues such as access to health and education services, and employment of undocumented migrants under 18. Finally the paper outlines the main trends in the migration of children, providing a preliminary mapping of the numbers and locations of undocumented children in Britain.

Details: Oxford: Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford, 2010. 46p.

Source: ESRC Centre on Migration, Policy and Society Working Paper No. 78: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2012 at http://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/files/Publications/working_papers/WP_2010/WP1078%20Nando%20Sigona%20A.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/files/Publications/working_papers/WP_2010/WP1078%20Nando%20Sigona%20A.pdf

Shelf Number: 126170

Child Trafficking (U.K.)
Evaluative Studies
Illegal Aliens, Children (U.K.)
Illegal Immigrants, Children (U.K.)
Undocumented Children