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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:09 pm

Results for child witness

1 results found

Author: Beckett, Helen

Title: Making Justice Work: Experiences of criminal justice for children and young people affected by sexual exploitation as victims and witnesses

Summary: 1. Making Justice Work is a one year participatory pilot research project, carried out by The International Centre: Researching Child Sexual Exploitation, Violence and Trafficking at The University of Bedfordshire. The research explored young people's experiences of the criminal justice system in child sexual exploitation (CSE) cases, and the ways in which these could be improved. 2. The work consisted of: a policy and literature review; in-depth participatory research with nine young 'experts by experience'; interviews with two peer supporters; and interviews and focus groups with 38 professionals. 3. The primary emphasis was on the in-depth participatory research with the young experts by experience, given the limited nature of young people's perspectives within the existing body of evidence. The other three strands of work served to contextualise and triangulate this learning. A high degree of convergence emerged across all elements of the primary research. The findings also strongly resonate with themes identified in other research, inquiries and reviews. 4. Although often critical in their commentary, participants recognised the existence of pockets of good practice and were keen to see these implemented on a wider scale. The findings of the research are presented in a similar spirit; in the hope that they will provide helpful insights for the wide range of current initiatives for change within this field.

Details: Luton, UK: University of Bedfordshire, 2015. 52p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 14, 2017 at: http://uobrep.openrepository.com/uobrep/handle/10547/347011

Year: 2015

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://uobrep.openrepository.com/uobrep/handle/10547/347011

Shelf Number: 146092

Child Sexual abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child Victims
Child Witness
Victim Services