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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:58 am

Results for civil commitment of sex offenders (wisconsin)

1 results found

Author: Bender-Olson, Katie

Title: Supervised Release and Discharge of Sexually Violent Persons

Summary: This Staff Brief describes the standards that must be met in order for a person who has been civilly committed as a sexually violent person to be released to supervised release or discharged from the commitment. Chapter 980, Stats., governs civil commitments of sexually violent persons. Wisconsin was one of the first states to enact such a law. Currently, 20 states civilly commit certain sex offenders. These laws have been challenged on the basis of due process, double jeopardy, and equal protection and have generally been held to be constitutional. This Staff Brief summarizes sections of ch. 980, Civil Commitment of Sexually Violent Persons, Stats., related to initial commitment under the chapter and to petitions for discharge and supervised release. The Brief also summarizes case law relevant to the constitutionality of ch. 980 civil commitments and to discharge and supervised release procedures. Part I describes sections of ch. 980 related to initial commitment of sexually violent persons and summarizes case law related to the constitutionality of civil commitments. Part II describes sections of ch. 980 related to supervised release from civil commitment and summarizes Wisconsin case law regarding supervised release. Part III describes sections of ch. 980 related to discharge from civil commitment and summarizes Wisconsin case law regarding discharge.

Details: Madison, WI: Wisconsin Legislative Council, 2012. 22p.

Source: Staff Brief, SC-2012-06: Internet Resource: Accessed September 24, 2012 at http://legis.wisconsin.gov/lc/publications/sb/sb_2012_06.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/lc/publications/sb/sb_2012_06.pdf

Shelf Number: 126416

Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders (Wisconsin)
Sex Offenders (Wisconsin)
Supervised Release
Violent Offenders (Wisconsin)