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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:12 pm

Results for cognitive behavioral interventions

1 results found

Author: Willison, Janeen Buck

Title: Second Chance Act Adult Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects Evidence-Based Practices: Prosocial Behavior Change Techniques

Summary: This report is one in a series from the Cross-Site Evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2011 Second Chance Act (SCA) Adult Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects (AORDPs). This report explores the use of communication techniques and sanctions and incentives to support and reinforce positive behavior change; cognitive behavioral interventions; and evidence-based, manualized program curricula by the seven grantees who implemented adult reentry programs under the SCA. Although these specific evidence-based practices were not required by the SCA grant program at the time the seven AORDP sites were funded, they are widely recognized as critical to recidivism reduction and reentry success. Findings are based on information collected in 2014 through field-based, semi-structured interviews and interim telephone interviews with AORDP staff and organizational partners, as well as a Web-based survey administered in spring 2014 to key reentry stakeholders in each site.

Details: Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International; Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2017. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 19, 2018 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/251444.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/251444.pdf

Shelf Number: 149513

Cognitive Behavioral Interventions
Evidence-Based Practices
Needs Assessment
Prisoner Reentry
Risk Assessment
Second Chance Act