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Results for cognitive behavioral therapy

6 results found

Author: Williams, Sarah

Title: The City of Easton Weed and Seed Initiative: Evaluation 2008

Summary: This report is an evaluation and needs assessment of Easton Weed & Seed carried out between September snd November 2008. It includes background on the program and target neighborhood, a description of the Weed & Seed programs, the results of focus groups conducted with target residents and surveys of community residents. It concludes with overall impressions and recommendations.

Details: Bethelmen, PA: Lehigh Valley Research Consortium, 2008. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119151

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Correctional Education
Crime Prevention
Delinquency Prevention
Drug Abuse and Addiction
Juvenile Inmates
Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile Rehabilitation
Weed & Seed Program

Author: Aston, Elizabeth

Title: Evaluation of Glasgow Housing Association's Youth Diversionary Programme

Summary: Glasgow Housing Association (GHA), in addition to its role in social housing provision, is engaged in a wider range of activities intended to promote safe, inclusive and sustainable environments and enhance tenant and resident wellbeing. GHA co-funds these activities principally through its Wider Action Fund (WAF), working in partnership with tenants and homeowners, local housing organisations (LHOs) and other registered social landlords (RSLs) and a range of other agencies. Youth diversionary projects are one dimension of the WAF programme, others include health improvement, employability, and financial inclusion initiatives. Youth diversionary projects supported by GHA vary in terms of their aims, scope, coverage, content and stage of development and range from strategic partnerships at national and citywide level to more localised level initiatives. To assist with funding decisions in this area and to build an evidence base, GHA commissioned an evaluation of a selection of its youth diversionary programmes in 2007. This evaluation was conducted between October 2007 and November 2008 as a nested study within the wider GoWell research programme. The evaluation combined qualitative and quantitative research methods, studying three youth diversionary projects with different characteristics. The evaluation comprised of interviews and focus groups with project participants, local residents and stakeholders (both directly involved in the projects and others). The evaluation also involved a survey of participants and the analysis of several sources of secondary data on crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB). This incorporation of the views of local residents, young people, and project stakeholders on the performance and effects of the projects is a particular strength of the evaluation. From the 22 Youth Diversionary projects run by GHA we selected three to study in detail: Operation Reclaim (OR): Operating in five sites across the North-East of the city since summer 2007 providing coached sporting and physical activities for large numbers of young people, plus mentoring support for education, training and progression towards employment. Participate (P8): Operating in the Shawbridge Estate in the South-West of the city since January 2008 providing individual level support for personal, social and educational development to ten ‘disaffected’ young people. Jedworth Avenue (JA): Operating in the Drumchapel Estate in the North-West of the city, completing in summer 2007 providing individual level activities for six young offenders, including cognitive behavioural therapy and training opportunities.

Details: Glasgow: Glasgow Community Health and Wellbeing Research and Learning Programme, 2010. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 28, 2012 at:

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 126164

Antisocial Behavior
At-Risk Youth (U.K.)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Disorderly Conduct
Diversion, Juveniles

Author: Cook, Philip J.

Title: The (Surprising) Efficacy of Academic and Behavioral Intervention with Disadvantaged Youth: Results from a Randomized Experiment in Chicago

Summary: There is growing concern that improving the academic skills of disadvantaged youth is too difficult and costly, so policymakers should instead focus either on vocationally oriented instruction for teens or else on early childhood education. Yet this conclusion may be premature given that so few previous interventions have targeted a potential fundamental barrier to school success: "mismatch" between what schools deliver and the needs of disadvantaged youth who have fallen behind in their academic or non-academic development. This paper reports on a randomized controlled trial of a two-pronged intervention that provides disadvantaged youth with non-academic supports that try to teach youth social-cognitive skills based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and intensive individualized academic remediation. The study sample consists of 106 male 9th and 10th graders in a public high school on the south side of Chicago, of whom 95% are black and 99% are free or reduced price lunch eligible. Participation increased math test scores by 0.65 of a control group standard deviation (SD) and 0.48 SD in the national distribution, increased math grades by 0.67 SD, and seems to have increased expected graduation rates by 14 percentage points (46%). While some questions remain about the intervention, given these effects and a cost per participant of around $4,400 (with a range of $3,000 to $6,000), this intervention seems to yield larger gains in adolescent outcomes per dollar spent than many other intervention strategies.

Details: Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014. 59p.

Source: Internet Resource: NBER Working Paper Series; Working Paper 19862: Accessed January 27, 2014 at: http://www.nber.org/papers/w19862.pdf?new_window=1

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.nber.org/papers/w19862.pdf?new_window=1

Shelf Number: 131801

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Delinquency Prevention
Disadvantaged Youth
Intervention Programs

Author: Smedslund, G.

Title: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Men Who Physically Abuse their Female Partner (Review)

Summary: In national surveys, between 10% and 34% of women have reported being physically assaulted by an intimate male partner. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or programmes including elements of CBT are frequently used treatments for physically abusive men. Participants either enroll voluntarily or are obliged to participate by means of a court order. CBT not only seeks to change behavior using established behavioural strategies, but also targets thinking patterns and beliefs. Objectives To measure effectiveness of CBT and programmes including elements of CBT on men's physical abuse of their female partners. Selection criteria Randomised controlled trials that evaluated the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy for men who have physically abused their female partner and included a measure of the impact on violence. Main results Six trials, all from the USA, involving 2343 participants, were included. A meta-analysis of four trials comparing CBT with a no intervention control (1771 participants) reported that the relative risk of violence was 0.86 (favouring the intervention group) with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.54 to 1.38. This is a small effect size, and the width of the CI suggests no clear evidence for an effect. One study (Wisconsin Study) compared CBT with process-psychodynamic group treatment and reported a relative risk of new violence of 1.07 (95% CI 0.68 to 1.68). Even though the process-psychodynamic treatment did marginally better than CBT, this result is equivocal. Finally, one small study (N = 64) compared a combined CBT treatment for substance abuse and domestic violence (SADV) with a Twelve-Step Facilitation (TSF) group. An analysis involving 58 participants investigated the effect on reduction in frequency of physical violence episodes. The effect size was 0.30 (favouring TSF) with 95% CI from -0.22 to 0.81. Authors' conclusions There are still too few randomised controlled trials to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy for male perpetrators of domestic violence.

Details: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 2. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 19, 2014 at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006048.pub2/pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006048.pub2/pdf

Shelf Number: 131962

Abusive Men
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Domestic Violence
Family Violence
Violence Against Women

Author: Ludwig, Jens

Title: Think Before You Act: A New Approach to Preventing Youth Violence and Dropout

Summary: Improving the long-term life outcomes of disadvantaged youths remains a top policy priority in the United States. Unfortunately, long-term progress in improving outcomes like high school graduation rates and reduction of violent crime has been limited, partly because finding ways to successfully improve outcomes for disadvantaged youths (particularly males) has proven to be challenging. We believe one reason so many previous strategies have failed is because they at least implicitly assume that young people are forward-looking and consider the long-term consequences of their actions before they act. But a growing body of research in psychology and behavioral economics suggests that a great deal of everyone's behavior happens intuitively and automatically, with little deliberate thought. Although it is often helpful for us to rely on automatic responses to guide our daily behavior, doing so can also get us into trouble, with consequences that are particularly severe for young people growing up in distressed urban areas where gangs, drugs, and guns are prevalent. We thus propose that the federal government aim to provide each teenager living in poverty in the United States with one year of behaviorally informed programming, intended to help youths recognize high-stakes situations when their automatic responses may be maladaptive. Such a program could teach young people to slow down and think about what they are doing, or could help them "rewire" their automatic responses. Our team has carried out several randomized controlled trials in Chicago that demonstrate that this approach, which is a version of what psychologists call cognitive behavioral therapy, can reduce arrests for violent crime by 30 to 50 percent, improve schooling outcomes, and generate benefits to society that may be up to thirty times the program costs. We suggest that the federal government scale up the program over five years, and that it combine this scale-up with rigorous evaluation to learn more about how best to implement (and, if needed, modify) the program at scale in different contexts across the country. The demonstration phase of the project would cost $50 million to $100 million per year over five years, while the at-scale cost would be $2 billion annually. The demonstration and eventual scale-up would be led by the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. If successful, this effort would improve the long-term well-being of our nation's most disadvantaged young people, reduce crime, improve schooling attainment, reduce income inequality, and enhance the nation's overall economic competitiveness.

Details: Washington, DC: The Hamilton Project, 2014. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Discussion Paper 2014-02: Accessed May 10, 2014 at: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2014/05/01%20preventing%20youth%20violence%20and%20dropout%20ludwigj%20shaha/v10_thp_ludwigdiscpaper.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2014/05/01%20preventing%20youth%20violence%20and%20dropout%20ludwigj%20shaha/v10_thp_ludwigdiscpaper.pdf

Shelf Number: 132319

At-Risk Youth
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Delinquency Prevention
Disadvantaged Youth
School Dropouts

Author: Abt, Thomas

Title: What Works in Reducing Community Violence: A Meta-Review and Field Study for the Northern Triangle

Summary: This report was commissioned by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI), a United States government effort primarily executed by both USAID and the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). In preparation for this report, we performed a systematic meta-review of 43 reviews, including over 1,400 studies, to identify what works in reducing community violence. In addition, we supplemented our findings with fieldwork in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and the United States, visiting over 20 sites and conducting over 50 semi-structured interviews. We found that a few interventions, such as focused deterrence and cognitive behavioral therapy, exhibited moderate to strong effects on crime and violence and were supported by substantial evidence. A few others, such as scared straight and gun buyback programs, clearly demonstrated no or negative effects. The vast majority of programmatic interventions, however, exhibited weak or modest effects. We identified six "elements of effectiveness" shared by the most impactful interventions, including maintaining a specific focus on those most at risk for violence; proactive efforts to prevent violence before it occurs whenever possible; increasing the perceived and actual legitimacy of strategies and institutions; careful attention to program implementation and fidelity; a well-defined and understood theory of change; and active engagement and partnership with critical stakeholders. Given the modest effects of most interventions, that violence generally clusters around a small number of places, people, and behaviors, and that violence is not displaced from those clusters when they are targeted, we reach the simple yet powerful conclusion that it is advisable to concentrate and coordinate anti-violence efforts where they matter most. We further conclude that increased attention to program implementation and evaluation is necessary. We close with four recommendations to governmental and non-governmental funders with regard to community violence in the Northern Triangle and globally.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Agency for International Development, 2016. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 29, 2016 at: https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/USAID-2016-What-Works-in-Reducing-Community-Violence-Final-Report.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Latin America

URL: https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/USAID-2016-What-Works-in-Reducing-Community-Violence-Final-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 137993

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Focused Deterrence
Gang Violence
Gun Violence
Violence Prevention
Violent Crime