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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:02 pm

Results for community collaboration

2 results found

Author: Baker, Bruce

Title: Nonstate Policing: Expanding the Scope for Tackling Africa’s Urban Violence

Summary: Worsening urban violence is placing increasing demands on Africa’s police departments. African police forces are typically woefully underresourced, inadequately trained, unaccountable, and distrusted by local communities, leaving them ineffective in addressing these security challenges. Nonstate or community-based policing groups often enjoy local support and knowledge, accessibility, and effectiveness. Accordingly, collaborative state-nonstate policing partnerships represent an underrecognized vehicle for substantially expanding security coverage in Africa’s urban areas in the short term at reasonable cost.

Details: Washington, DC: Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 2010. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Africa Security Brief, No. 7: Accessed May 3, 2011 at: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/AfricaBrief-7.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Africa

URL: http://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/AfricaBrief-7.pdf

Shelf Number: 121592

Communities and Crime
Community Collaboration
Urban Areas
Violence (Africa)
Violent Crime

Author: Nilson, Chad

Title: Risk-Driven Collaborative Intervention: A Preliminary Impact Assessment of Community Mobilization Price Albert's Hub Model

Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide a preliminary assessment of the impact that Community Mobilization Prince Albert's (CMPA) Hub has on acutely-elevated risk, and on the efforts of human service professionals to address the composite needs of individuals who are experiencing elevated risk. Common themes to be addressed in this report include overall challenges, successes and general lessons learned through the community mobilization experience in Prince Albert. The report concludes with an outline of opportunities for future research and evaluation in community mobilization as well as a list of recommendations for improving the Hub model. In describing the Hub model, this report begins with a historical overview of the development of Prince Albert' Hub. Key contributions to this development include: --Global findings from the Institute for Strategic International Studies revealed that accounting for both risk factors and partnerships can help build capacity in policing (ISIS, 2008; 2009). -- Locally, the Prince Albert Police Service (2009) identified a need for change in community safety because the status quo was not working. A front-end approach to crime reduction that involved collaboration among multiple service providers appeared to be most promising. -- The Future of Policing Strategy identified the need for policing in Saskatchewan to align, integrate and mobilize with other human service agencies (Taylor, 2010). -- Observations of the Scotland Violence Reduction Unit by key police and human service professionals from Prince Albert, verified that a collaborative risk-driven intervention model has great potential in their community (McFee & Taylor 2014). -- Evidence compiled by the Saskatchewan Police and Partners Strategy suggested that collaborative risk-driven interventions were both promising and possible in Saskatchewan; and that nearly all human service sectors within the Government of Saskatchewan should become involved in community mobilization (SPPS Enterprise Group, 2011). -- In February of 2011, the Prince Albert Hub was formed as a multi-disciplinary team that meets twice weekly for the identification, rapid development and immediate deployment of real-time interventions and short-term opportunities to address emerging problems, risk conditions and crime prevention opportunities identified and brought forward from the frontline operations of all participating agencies that comprise CMPA.

Details: Saskatoon, SK: Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and Justice Studies, University of Saskatchewan, 2014. 125p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 4, 2015 at: http://saskbprc.com/images/content/pdf/FINALHubPIAMay2014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://saskbprc.com/images/content/pdf/FINALHubPIAMay2014.pdf

Shelf Number: 135154

Community Collaboration
Community Participation
Crime Prevention (Canada)
Police-Community Interactions
Police-Community Relations