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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:55 am

Results for community courts (ireland)

1 results found

Author: National Crime Council (Ireland)

Title: Problem Solving Justice: The Case for Community Courts in Ireland

Summary: A report presented by the National Crime Council to Mr. Michael McDowell, Tánaiste and Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform today recommends the establishment of Community Courts in Ireland, the first such Court to be located in Dublin’s inner city. Community Courts, which started in the United States, are now being developed in many countries as an example of "problem solving justice" to deal with offenders of less grave crimes which have a material impact on the "quality of life" of citizens. Padraic White, Chairman of the National Crime Council, in presenting the Report to Minister McDowell, said that there was an outstanding opportunity to develop a successful Community Court in Dublin city centre covering the Store Street and Pearse Street Garda station areas. The proposed Community Court would, he said, "complement the planned Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) initiative in Dublin city centre which will involve businesses contributing a special levy to a fund for the enhancement and upgrading of the area." He said that a third positive element in the area is the North Inner City Community Policing Forum which is well established and whose work would complement the new Community Court and the BIDs initiative. Padraic White cited examples of the type of offence to be dealt with by the Community Court as drunk and disorderly conduct, assault, criminal damage, graffiti and petty theft. He said that "Community Courts take a problem-solving approach to such offenders, using a range of health and social services while some defendants may be required to undertake community work in the neighbourhood to make some reparation for their offending in that neighbourhood."

Details: Dublin: Stationery Office, 2007. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 10, 2013 at: http://www.crimecouncil.gov.ie/downloads/NCC_Problem_Solving_Justice.pdf

Year: 2007

Country: Ireland

URL: http://www.crimecouncil.gov.ie/downloads/NCC_Problem_Solving_Justice.pdf

Shelf Number: 110513

Community Courts (Ireland)
Problem-Solving Courts