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Results for community policing (new zealand)

2 results found

Author: Cunningham, Sonia

Title: Formative Evaluation of Neighbourhood Policing Teams in Counties Manukau District - Final Report

Summary: The introduction of Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) in New Zealand was a result of a number of factors: the then Commissioner's vision for introducing the teams in New Zealand based on what he had seen in England and Wales; the Police Executive placing emphasis on a preventive policing approach; and, Counties Manukau District considering options for how to deploy an additional 300 staff to ensure a reduction in demand for policing services in their District: one of which was the implementation of NPTs in vulnerable communities. High-level outcomes expected from the implementation of NPTs in New Zealand are: a reduction in crime and crash, the community feeling safer, and an increase in levels of trust and confidence in, and satisfaction with the police. Whilst it is intended that NPTs tailor their approach to be appropriate for the communities they are working within, a number of key activities are expected: Be active and visible in communities; Engage with communities to understand what the crime and safety priorities are within the community; and, Solve these problems by working with the community and in partnership with other agencies. The evaluation of NPTs consists of two phases: formative, which focuses on the development and establishment of NPTs; and process-outcomes, which will focus on how the teams are operating and how effective they are. This report is a summary of findings from formative evaluation of NPTs in Counties Manukau District.

Details: Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Police, 2011. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 13, 2012 at http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/resources/evaluation/formative-evaluation-neighbourhood-policing-teams-counties-manukau.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/resources/evaluation/formative-evaluation-neighbourhood-policing-teams-counties-manukau.pdf

Shelf Number: 126685

Community Policing (New Zealand)
Crime Prevention (New Zealand)
Evaluative Studies
Police-Community Relations (New Zealand)
Public Confidence (New Zealand)

Author: New Zealand Police, Evaluation Services Team

Title: Evaluation of the Canterbury Community Policing Demonstration Project

Summary: The Canterbury Community Policing Demonstration Project was developed in response to a clear identification of community needs and targeted at specific communities. The District identified that the major malls and the University were sites for a range of ‘signal crimes’ and complaints from residents and businesses. The Community Crime Reduction Officer (CCRO) positions were created to engage with the communities and to address their issues in a cooperative fashion. The project shows many qualities of a successful community policing programme. Initial indications show that the CCROs are having a positive impact on their intermediate goals – engaging with the community, solving community problems, and ensuring greater availability and visibility of police. Information on the longer term outcome of community reassurance is generally positive but evidence of crime reduction is limited. In particular the statistical information shows no clear evidence of reduced crime, although this may be due to greater reporting. The placement of CCROs in small identifiable patches has enabled them to build strong relationships with local stakeholders and maintain a high level of visibility and availability. Stakeholders spoke favourably about the personal qualities of the officers. There was a particular emphasis on the way that the CCROs could be relied upon to follow up on complaints, which stakeholders did not have confidence that other police would do.

Details: Wellington, NZ: New Zealand Police, 2009. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 9, 2012 at: http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/resources/evaluation/2009-10-27-Canterbury-community-policing-evaluation.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/resources/evaluation/2009-10-27-Canterbury-community-policing-evaluation.pdf

Shelf Number: 126903

Community Policing (New Zealand)
Police-Community Relations