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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for community policing (northern ireland

1 results found

Author: Northern Ireland. Criminal Justice Inspection

Title: Policing with the Community: A Follow-up Review of Inspection Recommendations

Summary: The Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) report into PWC had been published in April 2009. It made three strategic recommendations specific to the PSNI and three other recommendations, as well as 12 suggestions for improvement directed specifically at the police. Whilst CJI had not inspected the Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB), the report made two further suggestions for improvement to be considered by the NIPB. The fieldwork for this follow-up review had been conducted over two years following the publication of the original report, and evidence had been collected during fieldwork from other inspection activity up to the end of March 2012. This had enabled the collection of evidence from multiple sources including community representatives, a wide spectrum of Police Officers and some short observation periods of Neighbourhood and Response Officers whilst on patrol. This summary sets out Inspectors’ findings with regard to the three strategic recommendations and three other recommendations made in the CJI report of April 2009. Of the three strategic recommendations made for the PSNI to progress, all had been assessed as partly achieved. There had been substantial progress with each of these recommendations. Two of the other recommendations had been assessed as having been achieved whilst the remaining recommendation were partly achieved. Further detail of the evidence gathered during inspection fieldwork underpinning these findings is set out in Chapter 2. Progress with the suggestions made for improvement is set out in detail in Chapter 3, and an appendix to this report contains the PSNI 2020 Strategy.

Details: Belfast: Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, 2012. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 9, 2012 at: http://www.cjini.org/CJNI/files/50/50fd48fb-5a98-4d85-992f-b39680b6a99a.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.cjini.org/CJNI/files/50/50fd48fb-5a98-4d85-992f-b39680b6a99a.pdf

Shelf Number: 126653

Community Policing (Northern Ireland
Police-Citizen Interactions
Police-Community Relations