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Results for complaints against the police (india)

3 results found

Author: Kotwal, Navaz

Title: Uttarakhand State Police Complaints Authority: Analysing Accountability in action

Summary: This report covers complaints made to the Uttarakhand Police Complaints Authority that was set up in January 2007. It presents a broad and holistic analysis of the functioning of the Complaints Authority. The period of analysis comprises complaints received between April 2007 and January 2009. The report attempts to identify the nature of the complaints received, the profile of the complainants, the investigation or inquiry procedure that is adopted by the Authority once it receives a complaint, and the trend of orders or decisions being delivered by the Authority. We have also tried to statistically analyse the complaints and presented the same graphically for easy reference. We have then gone on to categorise the general trends in order to explain the decisions delivered by the Authority. These to some extent illustrate the weaknesses of the Authority and some of the significant challenges it faces in living up to its mandate. We have concluded by giving recommendations that would lend to improved and enhanced functioning of the Authority as well as increasing public confidence in the working of the Authority.

Details: New Delhi: Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, 2010. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Better Policing Series - India: Accessed August 19, 2010 at: http://www.humanrightsinitiative.org/publications/police/uttarakhand_police_complaints_authority.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: India

URL: http://www.humanrightsinitiative.org/publications/police/uttarakhand_police_complaints_authority.pdf

Shelf Number: 119638

Complaints Against the Police (India)
Police Misconduct (India)
Policing (India)

Author: Kotwal, Navaz

Title: Uttarakhand State Police Complaints Authority: Analysing Accountability in action

Summary: This report covers complaints made to the Uttarakhand Police Complaints Authority that was set up in January 2007. It presents a broad and holistic analysis of the functioning of the Complaints Authority. The period of analysis comprises complaints received between April 2007 and January 2009. The report attempts to identify the nature of the complaints received, the profile of the complainants, the investigation or inquiry procedure that is adopted by the Authority once it receives a complaint, and the trend of orders or decisions being delivered by the Authority. We have also tried to statistically analyse the complaints and presented the same graphically for easy reference. We have then gone on to categorise the general trends in order to explain the decisions delivered by the Authority. These to some extent illustrate the weaknesses of the Authority and some of the significant challenges it faces in living up to its mandate. We have concluded by giving recommendations that would lend to improved and enhanced functioning of the Authority as well as increasing public confidence in the working of the Authority.

Details: New Delhi: Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, 2010. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Better Policing Series - India: Accessed August 19, 2010 at: http://www.humanrightsinitiative.org/publications/police/uttarakhand_police_complaints_authority.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: India

URL: http://www.humanrightsinitiative.org/publications/police/uttarakhand_police_complaints_authority.pdf

Shelf Number: 119638

Complaints Against the Police (India)
Police Misconduct (India)
Policing (India)

Author: Nag, Diya

Title: Police Complaints Authorities Reform Resisted

Summary: The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) has monitored and reported on Police Complaints Authorities in India, following the Supreme Court’s decision in the Prakash Singh case that ordered their creation in 2006. In 2009, CHRI published its first national-level report on the Authorities, providing information on the legal framework, the number of functioning Authorities, a brief description of inquiry procedures adopted by them, and pointed to gaps in both legislation and practice. CHRI observed that there were functional Authorities in only seven states – Assam, Chandigarh, Goa, Haryana, Kerala, Tripura and Uttarakhand; while fifteen other states had constituted Authorities only on paper, either as provisions within a new state Police Act or in a Government Order. The 2009 report found that the functioning Authorities seriously failed their mandates and suggested numerous recommendations aimed towards strengthening them. The current report is the second national-level report, and focuses on Police Complaints Authorities in India during 2010. It provides a national picture of the functioning of these Authorities and assesses how they fared in their operations, with a strong focus on the handling of complaints. Going a step further from the previous report, this report highlights the accessibility and responsiveness of select Authorities, from the perspective of the complainants. CHRI conducted interviews with complainants in two states where Authorities are well established – Goa and Uttarakhand. The findings and analysis presented here are largely based on the personal experiences of complainants through all the stages of an Authority’s inquiry. This report subsequently examines in depth, the pattern of police misconduct that emerges from an analysis of the complaints received.

Details: New Delhi: Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, 2011. 104p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 28, 2012 at http://www.humanrightsinitiative.org/publications/police/PoliceComplaintsAuthorities_ReformResisted.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: India

URL: http://www.humanrightsinitiative.org/publications/police/PoliceComplaintsAuthorities_ReformResisted.pdf

Shelf Number: 126160

Complaints Against the Police (India)
Evaluative Studies
Police Misconduct (India)
Policing (India)