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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:48 am

Results for conduct disorders in children

1 results found

Author: Koning, Pierre

Title: The Effect of Childhood Conduct Disorder on Human Capital

Summary: This paper estimates the longer-term effects of childhood conduct disorder on human capital accumulation and violent and criminal behavior later in life using data of Australian twins. It measures conduct disorder with a rich set of indicators based on diagnostic criteria from psychiatry. Using ordinary least squares and twin fixed effects estimation approaches, it finds that early (pre-18) conduct disorder problems significantly affect both human capital accumulation and violent and criminal behavior over the life course. In addition, it finds that conduct disorder is more deleterious if these behaviors occur earlier in life.

Details: Bonn, Germany: IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor), 2010. 34p.

Source: IZA Discussion Paper Series No. 4940; Internet Resource

Year: 2010

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 118598

Antisocial Personality Disorders
Conduct Disorders in Children
Mental Health, Juveniles