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Results for constructive resettlement

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Author: Youth Justice Board (New York City)

Title: How to Make Resettlement Constructive

Summary: Introduction Resettlement and transitions between services is a current strategic priority for the Youth Justice Board. Despite several resettlement support initiatives, outcomes for children leaving custody remain poor. Recent research into why difficulties continue to prevail suggests that a likely explanation is the lack of a definitive resettlement 'theory of change' and aim. The research concludes that the aim of resettlement should be to support a child to shift their identity from pro offending to pro social. Only by doing so can we achieve long term desistance from offending and a child moving towards a positive future. This document introduces Constructive Resettlement as an approach to help the sector apply this research evidence across policy and practice. It will enable all agencies to adopt a common framework and set of principles necessary to improve resettlement outcomes. In the concluding section, we outline the steps the YJB is taking to enable both custody and community agencies to implement this new approach. We recognise that it represents a fundamental change of culture across the youth justice system. Consequently, we are working both strategically and operationally to support this change. To support the sector in delivering Constructive Resettlement we want identify barriers to its effective implementation, and are committed to working to overcome these. In turn, we are keen to support innovative application of this approach to drive improvement. We also want to explore with the sector how this approach can help support a child successfully navigate other transitions in youth justice. This constructive, strengths-based and future-focused approach is in line with the YJB's guiding principle of "Child First, Offender Second". In publishing this document, we invite you to join with us to develop resettlement practice that will ensure children who leave custody live a safe and crime-free life and make a positive contribution to society.

Details: London, UK: Youth Justice Board, 2018. 14p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 10, 2019 at: https://yjresourcehub.uk/yjb-effective-practice/youth-justice-kits/item/610-how-to-make-resettlement-constructive-yjb-document.html?platform=hootsuite

Year: 2018

Country: United Kingdom

URL: https://yjresourcehub.uk/yjb-effective-practice/youth-justice-kits/item/610-how-to-make-resettlement-constructive-yjb-document.html?platform=hootsuite

Shelf Number: 154129

Constructive Resettlement
Youth Justice Board