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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for corporate fraud (u.k.)

1 results found

Author: Button, Mark

Title: Fraud and Punishment: Enhancing Deterrence Through More Effective Sanctions. Main Report

Summary: This research was commissioned by the Midlands Fraud Forum, Eversheds and PKF with the aim to ‘assess how sanctions are used against fraudsters and how this can be made easier so as to maximise deterrence.’ Fraud is becoming much more transparent in society as a problem that causes significant harm. The recent National Fraud Authority’s Annual Fraud Indicator estimate of a £73 billion1 problem establishes it as, in all probability, the most expensive crime to UK Plc. There is also evidence that some criminals are moving from traditional acquisitive crime to fraud. Clearly more needs to be done to reduce fraud, and sanctions form an important element of that strategy. There has been interest in sanctions for fraud and related areas in recent years in Government backed reviews and strategies2. However, academic research in this area has been sparse and tended to focus upon specific types of fraud3. This research addresses some of that gap by delving deeper into the sanctions used to counter fraud. The aim was to look for inspiration from a range of other sectors, with a view to making recommendations for the more effective use of sanctions against fraudsters, building upon some of the other work undertaken in this area. The report is based upon documentary research, 39 interviews drawn from organisations across the criminal and civil justice systems, public and private sectors. Additionally a survey was also conducted for this research which secured 397 responses. This is the summary report and full findings can be found in the main report (“the Report”) and survey report documents.

Details: Portsmouth, UK: Centre for Counter Fraud Studies, University of Portsmouth, 2012. 127p.

Source: Internet Resource: http://www.port.ac.uk/departments/academic/icjs/centreforcounterfraudstudies/documents/filetodownload,161060,en.tmp

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.port.ac.uk/departments/academic/icjs/centreforcounterfraudstudies/documents/filetodownload,161060,en.tmp

Shelf Number: 128913

Business Crimes
Corporate Fraud (U.K.)
Criminal Sanctions
Financial Crimes
White-Collar Crime