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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:17 pm

Results for correctional education, juveniles

1 results found

Author: Leone, Peter

Title: Addressing the Unmet Educational Needs of Children and Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems

Summary: Children and youth involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, like all children, deserve a quality education that allows them to develop the skills and competencies necessary for them to become productive adults. Regrettably, this is infrequently the case. Many of these children and youth leave school without a regular diploma, and still others graduate without the academic skills and social-emotional competencies that constitute twenty-first learning skills. School-related problems are similar for students in both systems, which frequently serve the same children and youth. This paper explores the work that is being done in each system to better meet the educational needs of students within each system and those who are known to both - so-called crossover youth. The paper further challenges the two systems to think more holistically about how to operate in a seamless manner in meeting those needs.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University, 2010. 65p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 13, 2018 at: http://www.aecf.org/m/resourcedoc/CJJR-AddressingtheUnmetEducationalNeeds-2010.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 118680

Child Welfare Agencies
Correctional Education, Juveniles
Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile Offenders