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Results for correctional staff

2 results found

Author: Power, Jenelle

Title: Working With Offenders Who Self-Injure: Fostering Staff Resilience In High Stress Situations

Summary: Several evidence-based interventions were identified for correctional staff in the literature, including education and training related specifically to self-injurious behaviour (SIB), role clarification to address the conflict between the requirement to maintain institutional security and safety and promote offender rehabiliation, coping skills training to reduce workplace stress and improve wellness, and the implementation of peer support groups to encourage team-based problem solving and debriefing. Implementation of specific interventions should be accompanied by a framework to assess efficacy and outcomes. What we found Staff who work with offenders who engage in SIB are at increased risk of burnout, a psychological syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Role conflict and ambiguity, as well as a reduced sense of personal accomplishment, were noted as important correlates of burnout, particularly for younger or less experienced staff. Staff who regularly encounter SIB could be at risk for experiencing secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, or vicarious traumatization. These staff members often feel ill-equiped to deal with SIB and may lack specific training in the etiology and treatment of the behaviour. Protective factors identified in the literature include social support, coping skills, physical and mental health, and a perception of adequate skills to competently perform the job. Burnout prevention interventions typically take two forms: (1) individual-focused and (2) organization-focused. Most of the research conducted to date has focused on interventions aimed at supporting individual staff members, such as education and job training, coping skills training, peer support groups, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and critical incident debriefing. Few organization-focused interventions have been empirically validated. Why we did this study Correctional staff are frequently exposed to high stress situations, particularly when working with offenders who engage in SIB. Continued exposure to high stress environments may have negative physical and psycholocal effects and staff who work with offenders who engage in SIB are at increased risk of burnout. The purpose of this research was to identify evidence-based interventions or management practices that promote staff resilience and could be implemented to mitigate stressful working environments in correctional institutions. What we did A literature review was conducted to identify specific factors related to burnout in correctional staff and characteristics of staff resilience when working with offenders who self-injure. A review of the literature on evidence-based interventions that have been successfully implemented at the organizational and individual level was also undertaken.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2014. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report No. R-276: Accessed August 23, 2014 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/008/092/005008-0276-eng.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/008/092/005008-0276-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 133125

Correctional Staff
Corrections Officers
Job Stress
Prison Guards
Prison Officers
Staff Burnout

Author: Power, Jenelle

Title: Staff Perspectives on Working with Aboriginal Offenders who Self-Injure: What Works, What Doesn't, and the Role of Culture

Summary: What it means Staff who work with Aboriginal offenders who engage in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) recommend that intervening or interventions should focus on establishing positive relationships with offenders and addressing their underlying issues, not simply their self-injury. Culturally-specific interventions should be considered for Aboriginal offenders who have not had success with mainstream treatment. What we found Two interrelated themes were evident in all of the interviews and focus groups: (1) the recommendation that interventions should treat the whole person, not just the NSSI; and (2) the importance of establishing positive therapeutic relationships with the offenders is fundamental to NSSI treatment. Responding in a supportive and direct way to an individual's NSSI was identified as an effective method of intervention that also contributes to the establishment of a positive therapeutic alliance. As one participant noted, "[it is most important that offenders know] somebody cares and that spending that time with somebody and building those relationships has another huge impact". Most participants reported that a team approach is an effective strategy for working with offenders who engage in NSSI. The differences between Aboriginal and mainstream culture is important to consider when working with Aboriginal offenders. Many Aboriginal offenders have complicated backgrounds that influence their behaviour and their sense of identity that must be taken into consideration. Culturally-based interventions, such as participating in ceremonies and working with Elders, may be particularly helpful for this population. Most approaches that foster supportive and compassionate relationships, however, are likely to be helpful with all offenders who engage in NSSI, and may be particularly important for those who have not had success with mainstream treatment. Why we did this study NSSI (any type of deliberately self-inflicted harm or disfigurement that is undertaken without suicidal intent) is one of the most distressing behaviours that mental health professionals deal with, yet there is limited research regarding how staff can effectively interact with offenders to promote better outcomes. Given the number of Aboriginal offenders in CSC and the uniqueness of Aboriginal culture, more information is needed on how to best serve these offenders and examine what role their culture plays in designing effective interventions. What we did Fourteen staff members working with Aboriginal offenders in CSC correctional institutions and the community participated in focus groups or one-on-one interviews. The following topics were discussed: 1) experience working with Aboriginal offenders and offenders who self-injure; 2) challenges that arise when working with these groups; 3) treatment of self-injury; and 4) the role of culture in self-injury desistence. All interviews and focus groups were recorded and transcribed verbatim. A phenomenological approach was used to analyze the transcripts. Responses were classified into themes and categories to illustrate the structure or commonalities of experiences described by participants.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2014. 1p.(summary), 33p. To obtain a PDF version of the full report, or for other inquiries, please e-mail the Research Branch

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report R-317: Accessed April 23, 2016 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/008/092/r317-eng.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/008/092/r317-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 138796

Aboriginal Offenders
Correctional Staff
Mental Health Treatment