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Date: June 30, 2024 Sun

Time: 12:34 pm

Results for corrections officers, male

1 results found

Author: Goss Gilroy, Inc.

Title: Evaluation of Cross-Gender Staffing Pilot Project: Final Report

Summary: This is the final report of an evaluation of the Cross-Gender Staffing Pilot Project at the Pine Grove Provincial Correctional Centre (PGCC) for Women in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. The purpose of the pilot project is to determine the feasibility of introducing male staff into front-line Correction Worker positions. Two male correctional workers (CWs) were appointed on a temporary basis to participate in the pilot project and, with some exceptions, they were given the same roles and responsibilities as female CWs. The pilot project was launched in January 2006 and continues to this date. The objectives of the pilot project are to: Provide positive male role models for female offenders; Determine the effects of employing male Corrections Workers on the main living unit environment; Ensure the right to privacy and safety and the emotional needs of women offenders are respected and are not compromised by the presence of male staff; and Ensure the rights of male Corrections Workers to employment opportunities and that they are not restricted unnecessarily. PGCC is managed by the Ministry of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing (Ministry) and cares for adult female offenders on remand or with sentences of less than two years. It employs 114 correctional workers – 110 women and four men, two of whom are management staff.

Details: Regina, SK, Canada: Saskatchewan Ministry of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing, 2009. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 30, 2011 at: http://www.cpsp.gov.sk.ca/GGI-PGCCCross-genderStaffing23-March-2009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.cpsp.gov.sk.ca/GGI-PGCCCross-genderStaffing23-March-2009.pdf

Shelf Number: 122958

Correctional Administration (Canada)
Corrections Officers, Male
Female Inmates
Female Prisoners