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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:39 am

Results for costs of crime (northern ireland)

2 results found

Author: Besley, Timothy

Title: Estimating the Peace Dividend: The Impact of Violence on House Prices in Northern Ireland

Summary: This paper exploits data on the patterns of violence across regions and over time to estimate the impact of the peace process in Northern Ireland on house prices.

Details: London: Institute for Fiscal Studies, 2009. 45p.

Source: IFS Working Paper W09/18

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 116472

Costs of Crime (Northern Ireland)
Violent Crime (Northern Ireland)

Author: Oxford Economics

Title: Cost of Crime in Northern Ireland With Supplementary Annex The Costs of Crime against Government Departments in Northern Ireland

Summary: The Statistics and Research Branch of the Northern Ireland Office (NIO SRB) has requested that Oxford Economics prepare a report on the costs of crime in Northern Ireland (NI). In accordance with the terms of the study brief (outlined in Appendix 2), this report has provided estimates of: • the total costs of crime in Northern Ireland; • unit costs of crime associated with the main categories of crime against individuals, households and businesses; and • costs of crime to individual Departments, public and private bodies arising from different categories of crime. This report estimates that the total cost of crime in NI in 2006-07 was some £2.9 billion.

Details: Belfast: Northern Ireland Department of Justice, 2010. 184p.

Source: Internet Resource: DOJ Research and Statistical Series:
Report No. 1; Accessed July 17, 2012 at: http://www.rethinking.org.nz/assets/Cost%20of%20Crime/N%20Ireland%20Costs%20of%20Crime%202010.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.rethinking.org.nz/assets/Cost%20of%20Crime/N%20Ireland%20Costs%20of%20Crime%202010.pdf

Shelf Number: 125651

Costs of Crime (Northern Ireland)
Costs of Criminal Justice
Economic Analysis