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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for counseling services

1 results found

Author: Wilkinson, Katherine

Title: The Doncaster Desistance Study

Summary: The Hallam Centre for Community Justice conducted two evaluations of the DoVeS Counselling Service at HMP Doncaster, which supports offenders who have had experiences of domestic violence. These reports showed the positive affects of accessing the service on their client's attitudes to their own offending behaviour and demonstrated the challenges of collecting robust data to reflect on service efficiency post release. The Doncaster Violent Crime Theme Group wanted to fund the service, however required evidence that the service affected re-offending rates. Demonstrating effectiveness quantitatively through reconviction/reoffending follow-up studies with a comparable control group with this population would prove complex and expensive. Therefore, this study was developed as an alternative way of examining the affects of DoVeS service engagement post release on desisting from offending. A desistance approach was adopted, given the previous evaluation findings that individual identity shifts featured highly in DoVeS service user narratives. A qualitative narrative approach was therefore adopted as an appropriate method to explore desisting positions and identify the impact of CJS interventions on respondent's adopting non-offending lifestyles. By adopting this approach, this small research project hopes to move beyond evaluating reducing reoffending programmes from a quantitative, positivist stance, to focus on how interventions may work to foster or support desistance. This study therefore identifies the transition and sequencing of desistance from criminal activity of a sample of sentence serving offenders who were in custody at HMP Doncaster in 2006. 20 men who were interviewed twice regarding accessing the DoVeS counselling service were invited to take part in this project. The research team successfully contacted and interviewed five (ex) offenders who had been desisting from offending for up to 3 years.

Details: Sheffield, UK: Hallam Centre for Community Justice, Sheffield Hallam University, 2009. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 5, 2013 at: http://shura.shu.ac.uk/997/1/fulltext.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://shura.shu.ac.uk/997/1/fulltext.pdf

Shelf Number: 129545

Counseling Services
Domestic Violence