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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:04 pm

Results for crime (chile)

1 results found

Author: Benavente, José Miguel

Title: Identifying the Determinants of Crime Occurrence and the Deterring Impact of Police: Evidence Across Chilean Households

Summary: We analyze the socio-economic and demographic determinants of crime across Chilean households. In particular, we are interested on the impact that police has on deterring crime. Novel evidence is presented and an instrumental variable correction is performed to avoid the typical reverse causality problem of police on crime. We use multilevel probit and count models to estimate different crime equations. Results indicate that socioeconomic and demographic characteristics have heterogeneous impact on crimes. In terms of police deterrence effects, our results reveal that the number of police officers has no impact on crimes suffered by families (except for burglary) while the true impact of police is determined by the workload that police must face. According to the results, a 10% increase in the workload rate (per 100,000 residents), would raise the crime rates by around 10%.

Details: Santiago, Chile: University of Chile, Department of Economics, 2012. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Serie Documentos Detrabajo, SDT 348: Accessed January 30, 2013 at: http://www.econ.uchile.cl/uploads/publicacion/be4549be12d184c9603db2d8bbca7c552ff366ca.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Chile

URL: http://www.econ.uchile.cl/uploads/publicacion/be4549be12d184c9603db2d8bbca7c552ff366ca.pdf

Shelf Number: 127446

Crime (Chile)
Economics of Crime
Socioeconomic Variables and Crime