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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:02 pm

Results for crime security

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Author: Major Cities Chiefs Association

Title: Campus Security Guidelines: Recommended Operational Policies for Local and Campus Law Enforcement Agencies

Summary: This report provides law enforcement with recommendated guidelines to improve the ongoing relationships with campus public safety and major city police departments. The Campus Security Guidelines are organized in four sections. The first section on formal policies and agreements provides guidelines for law enforcement to encourage the development of written policies and formal agreements between local and campus law enforcement departments. The second section presents guidelines to assist local and campus law enforcement in preventing and preparing for critical incidents on campus. The third section recommends actions law enforcement should take to carry out a coordinated response with multiple agencies. Finally, the last section provides law enforcement with guidelines to assist with the continued response and recovery period after the critical incident. By covering all facets of the relationship between local and campus law enforcement, it is hoped that this document can be of benefit before, during, and after a critical incident.

Details: Columbia, MD: Major Cities Chiefs Association, 2009. 152p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 119426

Campus Crime
Campus Police
Crime Security
School Crime
School Violence