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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:50 am

Results for crime statistics (dubuque, iowa)

1 results found

Author: Northern Illinois University. Center for Governmental Studies

Title: Dubuque 2010 Study on Crime and Poverty Summary Report

Summary: This study was designed to compare community perceptions of crime in Dubuque to actual crime data. The study included: 1) a public opinion survey 2) an analysis of Dubuque’s crime rates and trends over time compared to similarly sized communities in Iowa; 3) an analysis of Dubuque’s crime incidents over time, and the extent to which Section 8 housing recipients are connected to crime; 4) a review of research studies related to poverty, Section 8 housing assistance, crime, fear of crime, and crime prevention; and 5) a set of recommendations based on the research and evidence. To explore these issues, the following general research questions were posed: Do the perceptions of criminal activity and its causes in Dubuque match what is actually happening? Within categories of crime with significant increases in arrests, what policies or strategies can effectively decrease crime? If there are cases where there are community perceptions of increased criminal activity but no evidence to support the perception, what policies or strategies can effectively address the concerns? The resulting study report is complex and the authors warn throughout of various limitations with the data and analysis. NIU also states that readers are “strongly cautioned to not take singular statements, findings, maps or graphs contained in the report and examine or present them as a stand-alone finding. Rather, the analysis and report must be viewed in the full context and breadth of the examination, the totality of the findings and the broader social factors that underlie the phenomenon under study.

Details: Dubuque, IA: Northen Illinois University, Center for Government Studies, 2011. 779p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 15, 2011 at: http://www.cityofdubuque.org/DocumentView.aspx?DID=2742

Year: 2011

Country: United States

URL: http://www.cityofdubuque.org/DocumentView.aspx?DID=2742

Shelf Number: 122734

Crime and Social Disorganization
Crime Displacement
Crime Statistics (Dubuque, Iowa)
Urban Crime