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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:04 am

Results for crime and economic development

1 results found

Author: Andvig, Jens Chr.

Title: Crime, Police Corruption and Development: Evidence from Victimization Data

Summary: Recently economists have begun to investigate a number of institutional conditions for growth. One question raised is how the degree of security of persons and property may impact economic development and human welfare. Based on different indexes, the importance of the degree of security is confirmed for growth and for investment in human and physical capital. Other studies had showed that corruption has a negative impact on growth. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether some specific sets of criminal actions that have impact on the security of property and persons and the behaviourally related police corruption may have significant impact on the long run economic development.

Details: Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 2010. 53p.

Source: Internet Resource: NUPI Working Paper 772: Accessed August 22, 2010 at: http://english.nupi.no/Publications/Working-Papers/2010/Crime-Police-Corruption-and-Development

Year: 2010

Country: International

URL: http://english.nupi.no/Publications/Working-Papers/2010/Crime-Police-Corruption-and-Development

Shelf Number: 119656

Crime and Economic Development
Crime and Economics
Police Corruption