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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:17 am

Results for crime-prevention programs

1 results found

Author: Christeson, Bill

Title: A Stitch or Two in Time Cuts Crime: Federal Options for Supplementing Unreliable State and Local Funding for What Works to Keep Kids Safe from Crime and Violence

Summary: In today’s world of fiscal uncertainty, a conundrum exists for policymakers facing the daunting social problems of the twenty-first century: less funding is available at the state and local level even though we are more knowledgeable than ever about what works to help at-risk children. It is New York’s at-risk children who may bear the greatest burden of the recession as it becomes common practice to cut state and local funding for the programs that are proven to help children succeed and stay free of crime. And that will become a burden we will all share, down the road. Fortunately, at the federal level, a new commitment to health reform and evidence-based practices promises to make more routine funding available for proven programs that will help children become productive, law-abiding citizens. By shifting the paradigm so that children more routinely have access to needed and effective services, New York and the country can dramatically reduce future needs for child welfare and criminal justice spending by helping kids become healthy, productive and crime-free citizens. This report will focus on two questions: What programs are both proven to work and ready to go to scale? And, what are the most likely sources of substantial and sustainable federal funding for these programs? Further White Papers will follow to provide timely information on the evolving status of these funding streams and guidance on how they can be accessed for particular programs.

Details: Albany, NY: Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 2009. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 14, 2012 at http://www.fightcrime.org/sites/default/files/reports/RS%20Clark%20A%20Stitch%20in%20Time_2.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.fightcrime.org/sites/default/files/reports/RS%20Clark%20A%20Stitch%20in%20Time_2.pdf

Shelf Number: 124141

Crime-Prevention Programs
Juvenile Offenders