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Results for criminal careers (norway)

3 results found

Author: Galloway, Taryn Ann

Title: Does parental income matter for onset of offending?

Summary: Although several established theories of crime often suggest an association between socio-economic background and youth criminal involvement, the empirical evidence for such claims diverges considerably. The aim of this paper is to re-investigate the relationship between family income and criminal charges by exploiting the rich register data available in Norway. The longitudinal data sources used in the study encompass the entire resident population from five birth cohorts, and allow us to identify youths charged with crimes committed from 1992 to 2004 and link information on these youths with information on family earnings for several years. In a criminal career perspective, our outcome variable is the age of first offence (onset). We find that family academic resources are more important than family income for all kinds of offences, except for serious theft.


Source: Discussion Papers No. 588: Internet Resource: Accessed March 17, 2012 at

Year: 0

Country: Norway


Shelf Number: 124563

Criminal Careers (Norway)
Juvenile Offenders (Norway)
Socioeconomic Status, Parents (Norway)

Author: Galloway, Taryn Ann

Title: Does parental income matter for onset of offending?

Summary: Although several established theories of crime often suggest an association between socio-economic background and youth criminal involvement, the empirical evidence for such claims diverges considerably. The aim of this paper is to re-investigate the relationship between family income and criminal charges by exploiting the rich register data available in Norway. The longitudinal data sources used in the study encompass the entire resident population from five birth cohorts, and allow us to identify youths charged with crimes committed from 1992 to 2004 and link information on these youths with information on family earnings for several years. In a criminal career perspective, our outcome variable is the age of first offence (onset). We find that family academic resources are more important than family income for all kinds of offences, except for serious theft.

Details: Oslo: Research Department, Statistics Norway, 2009. 33p.

Source: Discussion Papers No. 588: Internet Resource: Accessed March 17, 2012 at http://www.ssb.no/publikasjoner/pdf/dp588.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Norway

URL: http://www.ssb.no/publikasjoner/pdf/dp588.pdf

Shelf Number: 124563

Criminal Careers (Norway)
Juvenile Offenders (Norway)
Socioeconomic Status, Parents (Norway)

Author: Skarðhamar, Torbjørn

Title: Reconsidering the theory on adolescent-limited and life-course persistent antisocial behaviour

Summary: This article presents a critical review of the taxonomic theory of adolescent-limited and life-course persistent antisocial behaviour (Moffitt 1993) and its empirical evidence. This influential theory suggests that there are two qualitatively distinct types of offenders that require distinct theoretical explanations. Moreover, the empirical evidence for the typology is considered to be strong, at least by some. I discuss along three lines. First, to what extent the taxonomy should be interpreted literally. Second, whether the suggested mechanisms are likely to produce the hypothesized groups. Third, whether some of the most important empirical evidence really does support the theory. I conclude that the theoretical arguments are surprisingly unclear on key issues and that the empirical evidence is highly problematic.

Details: Oslo: Research Department, Statistics Norway, 2009.

Source: Discussion Papers No. 587: Internet Resource: Accessed March 17, 2012 at

Year: 2009

Country: Norway


Shelf Number: 124566

Adolescents (Norway)
Criminal Careers (Norway)
Persistent Offenders (Norway)