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Results for criminal justice evaluation

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Author: Hobday, Jamie

Title: Targeting Reasons for Rejecting Random Assignment in an RCT

Summary: The Randomised Control Trial (RCT) is seen as the 'gold standard' of evaluation work, but running such experiments with high fidelity and validity can be a challenge, especially in an operational policing environment. Researchers are continually seeking tools and methods of working that can support experimentation in front-line policing operations. An algorithmic triage approach to case selection and random allocation, utilising the Cambridge Gateway on-line tool, holds promise in this arena. This approach and tool has been operationalised in the Turning-Point Experiment, UK. Five custody suites in a busy urban police agency utilised this approach over a three year period. Case selection and random allocation was conducted by operational police officers on a 24/7 basis. Officers were instructed to use their discretion to exclude cases that were ostensibly eligible, but they felt would not have the public's support. The consistency and validity of their decisions is studied through these decisions to reject random allocation. The improving rate of rejection over the Turning-Point experiments life is investigated, and the method of project implementation is proposed as a likely explanation for improvements. Officer's rejections are categorised as either appropriate or inappropriate and inter-rate reliability is measured across four key project staff. The pattern of inappropriate rejections amongst individual officers is studied and compared to officers' characteristics identified from a survey. A moderate correlation is found between officers making better quality decisions and higher levels of educational achievement. The conclusion is reached that this model can be effective at utilising officers in case selection and random allocation roles in large scale RCTs in policing. Recommendations are made to any researchers wanting to replicate the experiment.

Details: Cambridge, UK: Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, 2014. 119p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed October 14, 2016 at: http://www.crim.cam.ac.uk/alumni/theses/Jamie%20Hobday.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.crim.cam.ac.uk/alumni/theses/Jamie%20Hobday.pdf

Shelf Number: 144939

Case Processing
Criminal Justice Evaluation
Randomized Control Trial