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Results for criminal justice policy (finland)

1 results found

Author: Aaltonen, Mikko

Title: Risk Factors of Violence in Finland: A Register Based Study

Summary: Many policy decisions affect people's life circumstances in a manner that may also influence their likelihood or propensity to commit crimes. If alcohol availability is greatly increased, the incidence of alcohol related brawls, fights and family violence may show a rise. If poverty increases due to societal processes or policy decisions, this may result in more people experiencing criminogenic strain. If economy changes, or is deliberately changed, so that people have to move from one place to another, this may break social ties causing control deficits and increase in crime. Clearly, it would be useful to know how social policy decisions are translated into increases or decreases in crime. In an ideal situation, policy programmes would be evaluated by experimental research with adequate control groups of individuals or aggregated groups (such as areas). However, practical, ethical and legal obstacles often stand in the way of experimental design. On rare occasions, natural experiments are available when, for example, policy decisions alter the availability of alcohol (Kivivuori 2003; Siren & Lehti 2006). More commonly, policy makers must do without causal (or any kind of) evaluations. The Risk Factors of Crime in Finland (RFCF) research project was launched to provide additional insight into the likely policy consequences of social policy decisions. It utilizes the abundance of register data available on the potential risk factors of crime, and studies their association with crime involvement. In the future, the possibility of simulating the crime effects of various kinds of social and criminal policy changes will be probed. In principle, such simulation results could be used in the quantitative estimation of crime effects of legislative and other political or societal changes.

Details: Helsinki: National Research Institute of Legal Policy< 2008. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Brief 6/2008: Accessed February 27, 2015 at: http://www.optula.om.fi/material/attachments/optula/julkaisut/verkkokatsauksia-sarja/C8egqtJ2d/riskitekijat2008.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Finland

URL: http://www.optula.om.fi/material/attachments/optula/julkaisut/verkkokatsauksia-sarja/C8egqtJ2d/riskitekijat2008.pdf

Shelf Number: 134728

Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Crime Control Policy
Criminal Behavior
Criminal Justice Policy (Finland)
Violent Crime