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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:49 am

Results for criminal justice reform (kosovo) (liberia)

1 results found

Author: von Carlowitz, Leopold

Title: Local Ownership in Practice: Justice System Reform in Kosovo and Liberia

Summary: Achieving local ownership is crucial for the success of justice reform programmes as part of international rule of law assistance and security sector reform (SSR) activities. This paper examines and compares the UN approaches to and experiences with local ownership in its efforts to reform the justice system in Kosovo and in Liberia. It thereby seeks to foster a better understanding of the concept and its implementation in practice.

Details: Geneva, Switzerland: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2011. 66p.

Source: DCAF Occasional Paper No. 23: Internet Resource: Accessed February 4, 2012 at http://www.dcaf.ch/content/download/35955/527127/file/OP23.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.dcaf.ch/content/download/35955/527127/file/OP23.pdf

Shelf Number: 123960

Criminal Justice Reform (Kosovo) (Liberia)
Rule of Law