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Results for crisis intervention (u.s.)

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Author: Messing, Jill Theresa

Title: Police Departments' Use of the Lethality Assessment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation

Summary: Calling the police is one of the most commonly employed help seeking strategies by women in abusive relationships, though domestic violence services, safety planning and shelter are more often rated as helpful by survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) and have been shown to be more effective at reducing subsequent violence. The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to examine the effectiveness of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP). The LAP is a collaboration between police and social service providers consisting of 2 steps. First, a police officer responding to the scene of a domestic violence incident uses a brief 11-item risk assessment (the Lethality Screen) to identify victims at high risk of homicide. Second, women that screen in as high risk based on the Lethality Screen are put in immediate telephone contact with a collaborating social service provider who provides them with advocacy, safety planning and referral for services. Specifically, it was hypothesized that the LAP would (1) decrease rates of repeat, severe, lethal and near lethal violence and (2) increase rates of emergency safety planning and help seeking. We also examined the predictive validity of the Lethality Screen, officers' implementation of the LAP with the appropriate victims of IPV and victim satisfaction with the police response. Study participants were recruited by police officers at the scene of domestic violence incidents (index event) in 7 participating police jurisdictions in Oklahoma. A non-intervention comparison group was recruited prior to the intervention start. During the comparison group phase, 440 women participated in a structured baseline telephone interview lasting approximately 45 minutes; 342 (78%) of these women would have screened in as high danger based on their scores on the Lethality Screen and were compared to those women who received the intervention (classified as the high violence comparison group). During the intervention phase, 648 women were interviewed; 347 (53.5%) of these women were screened in as high danger and spoke with a hotline counselor (classified as the intervention group). Follow-up interviews at a median of 7 months following the baseline interview were completed with 202 participants in the intervention group (58.21%) and 212 participants in the high violence comparison group (61.99%). At follow-up, the intervention group reported a significant decrease in the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS-2; Straus, Hamby, Boney-McCoy & Sugarman, 1996) weighted frequency by severity score controlling for baseline differences between the intervention and high violence comparison groups. In addition, women in the intervention group reported using significantly more protective strategies both immediately after the index event (e.g., seeking services, removing/hiding their partner's weapons) and at follow-up (e.g. applying for and receiving an order of protection, establishing a code with family and friends). There was evidence that the Lethality Screen has considerable sensitivity (92-93%) and a high negative predictive value (93-96%) for near lethal and severe violence. However, the specificity (21%) and positive predictive value (13-21%) are low in these same analyses. During the intervention phase, the majority (61.6%) of women who screened in at high risk spoke to the domestic violence advocate on the phone, though this proportion differed by police jurisdiction and was partially dependent upon women's experiences of violence, prior engagement in protective actions and help seeking, and women's post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Finally, women who participated in the intervention were significantly more satisfied with the police response and were likely to report that the advocate was at least somewhat helpful. While additional research needs to be conducted, the LAP demonstrates promise as an evidence informed collaborative police-social service intervention that increases survivors' safety and empowers them toward decisions of self-care.

Details: Unpublished Final Report to the U.S. Department of Justice, 2014. 109p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 10, 2014 at: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/247456.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/247456.pdf

Shelf Number: 133930

Crisis Intervention (U.S.)
Domestic Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Police Response
Victims of Domestic Violence