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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:46 pm

Results for critical incident preparedness

1 results found

Author: Giblin, Matthew J.

Title: Critical Incident Preparedness and Response on Campus: Examining the Relationship Between Local Law Enforcement and Post-Secondary Institutions in Illinois and the United States

Summary: The impetus for this report was the Virginia Tech (VT) shooting incident in April 2007; the authors observed in both Illinois and nationally the creation of commissions to examine campus safety issues as well as prescriptions for improving security. One of the key questions guiding the research was whether any new preparedness steps were taken. This report frames many of the findings and implications within the context of the VT shootings because the research was focuses on change pursuant to that tragedy. Data were collected beginning in April 2008 to study the changes campuses had pursued in the first year after the VT incident.

Details: Carbondale, IL: Center for the Study of Crime, Delinquency & Corrections, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2008. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 118766

Campus Safety
Campus Security
Colleges and Universities
Critical Incident Preparedness