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Results for cyberbullying (south africa) juvenile victims

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Author: Burton, Patrick

Title: Inescapable violence: Cyber bullying and electronic violence against young people in South Africa

Summary: The rapid development of social networking sites, mobile social networking platforms, such as MXIT, and indeed the widespread access to mobile telephony itself has provided a powerful space for young people to engage in public life. But these media have also increased the opportunities for online or ‘cyber’ victimisation, bullying and aggression. This is evident in the reports of, for example, hate lists on websites, incidents of ‘happy slapping’ and the phone-videoing and distribution of schoolyard fights and assaults. Internet and mobile technologies increase anonymity and provide some level of disassociation with acts of aggression, making aggression and bullying much easier through these media. And yet very little empirical research has been done in South Africa on the extent and nature of these forms of cyber aggression. This paper presents the initial findings of a 2009 CJCP research study undertaken in four South African cities, in which 1,726 young people participated and spoke about their experiences of aggression. The paper explores the prevalence of various forms of cyber aggression, as well as other characteristics and relationships, not least of which is the strong relationship between victims and perpetrators of online aggression.

Details: Claremont, South Africa: CJCP - Centre for Justice adn Crime Prevention, 2009. 12p.

Source: CJCP Issue Paper No. 8: Internet Resource: Accessed on February 3, 2012 at http://www.cjcp.org.za/admin/uploads/Issue%20Paper%208%20-%20Inescapable%20Violence%20-%20Cyber%20aggression.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: South Africa

URL: http://www.cjcp.org.za/admin/uploads/Issue%20Paper%208%20-%20Inescapable%20Violence%20-%20Cyber%20aggression.pdf

Shelf Number: 123942

Cyberbullying (South Africa) Juvenile Victims