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Results for cybercrime (europe)

2 results found

Author: Robinson, Neil

Title: Feasibility Study for a European Cybercrime Centre

Summary: To advise the EC on the development of a European Cybercrime Centre, RAND Europe reviewed scholarly literature on the nature, extent, and impacts of cybercrime and collected empirical evidence on the capabilities of 15 EU member states' computer crime units in face to face visits. Findings from the literature and document review suggested a great deal of uncertainty between industry reported figures on the state of cybercrime and official recorded crimes. Nonetheless, the online criminal underground is evolving toward a service based economy. Aspects of forensic capability, investigations, intelligence sharing, training and information exchange were discussed. In addition, RAND Europe consulted Europol, Eurojust, Cepol, Interpol, and the European Network and Information Security Agency on their contribution to tackling cybercrime at the European level. A scenario based workshop was held in Brussels in November 2011 where a range of possible futures were described and considered by participants. The research team's report considers a number of options for the establishment of the ECC and evaluates their strengths and weaknesses according to a range of factors. These include its scope, activities, resources, risks, impacts and interoperability. The study considered a range of options including an ECC hosted by Europol, Eurojust, ENISA and a virtual ECC. The study considered that an ECC hosted by Europol would constitute the most appropriate way forward. The study laid out an implementation plan including expected activities for the first year of the ECC between January–December 2013.

Details: Cambridge, UK: RAND Europe, 2012. 253p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 26, 2012 at: http://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/doc_centre/crime/docs/20120311_final_report_feasibility_study_for_a_european_cybercrime_centre.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Europe

URL: http://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/doc_centre/crime/docs/20120311_final_report_feasibility_study_for_a_european_cybercrime_centre.pdf

Shelf Number: 125399

Computer Crimes (Europe)
Cybercrime (Europe)
Information Security
Internet Crimes

Author: European Cybercrime Center - Europol

Title: Police Ransomware Threat Assessment

Summary: Over the past two years, European Union (EU) Member States (MS) have been confronted with a significant proliferation of police ransomware cases. Experts from both law enforcement and the private sector agree that prevention and raising awareness can only work in conjunction with investigations targeting the criminals behind the fraud. Furthermore, even if police ransomware in its current form might naturally fade out in the future, it is likely that an evolution of this modus operandi driven by the same or different perpetrators will take place. That is why it is important that measures against police ransomware and similar modi operandi are implemented in a coordinated, complementary and comprehensive manner. This assessment is the result of a common initiative of the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) and the Dutch National High Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU). Its aim is to increase awareness of ransomware by providing an EU perspective on the problem and to identify opportunities for intervention and coordination. The assessment encourages better coordination and cooperation between MS law enforcement agencies from the early stages of cybercrime investigations and acknowledges once more the importance of partnering with private industry. This threat assessment relies on open source information, research papers on ransomware and semi-structured interviews with cybercrime investigators.

Details: The Hague: European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), 2014. 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 5, 2014 at: https://www.europol.europa.eu/sites/default/files/publications/policeransomware-threatassessment.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Europe

URL: https://www.europol.europa.eu/sites/default/files/publications/policeransomware-threatassessment.pdf

Shelf Number: 132417

Computer Fraud
Cybercrime (Europe)
Threat Assessments