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Results for dwi

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Author: McKnight, A. Scott

Title: Transdermal Alcohol Monitoring: Case Studies

Summary: Judges, probation officers, and parole officers sometimes require impaired-driving offenders and other offenders to abstain from alcohol and other drugs. Consequently, they need a way to determine whether offenders are complying with that requirement. This report describes the experiences of six jurisdictions using continuous transdermal alcohol monitoring - a technology that can detect the use of alcohol by offenders and report it to authorities. There are three basic ways to prevent alcohol-impaired driving by known offenders: (a) prevent driving; (b) prevent driving after drinking; and (c) prevent drinking. Preventing offenders from drinking can potentially protect the public against alcohol-impaired-driving crashes and reduce other alcohol-related problems, such as domestic violence, nontraffic injury, and alcohol addiction. Judges frequently make abstinence a requirement of an offenders' sentence for a repeat driving-while-intoxicated (DWI) violation and sometimes make it a formal probation requirement. Unless enforced by a monitoring program, however, such a requirement may not have the desired effect. The Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) device produced by Alcohol Monitoring Systems (AMS) and the Transdermal Alcohol Detection (TAD) system developed by BI Incorporated (BI) are two transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices that are increasingly being used across the country on alcohol-related criminal offenders. Both devices use ankle bracelets that sample perspiration to detect ethanol vapor and can automatically transfer the information stored on the ankle bracelet via modem to a secure Web server. The data is used to generate daily reports of offenders' drinking events, tamper attempts, and other forms of noncompliance with program requirements. The system was designed for security and remote reporting to minimize circumvention and render the data usable by supervising agencies. In the United States, the SCRAM device has been in use longer and has achieved much greater market penetration than the TAD. SCRAM reportedly is being used in 46 States. AMS reports that it works with more than 200 service providers in more than 1,800 courts and agencies around the United States. From a group of 9,100 offenders who were monitored using the SCRAM device from 2004 to 2009, 75 percent were considered compliant (no alcohol use or tampering occurred). BI currently has more than 1,700 TAD units in use at nearly 200 sites. The objectives of this project were to determine how extensively transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices are used and to document examples of strong and innovative programs through case studies that can be used by agencies at the State and local levels considering the use of these devices to monitor offenders. Six programs were selected for case study. Information from these six case studies revealed the following: (a) use of transdermal alcohol monitoring of DWI offenders is increasing; (b) transdermal alcohol monitoring appears to reliably monitor alcohol use by offenders (prior methods had not been as reliable) and thus is beneficial to officials; (c) transdermal-monitoring devices appear not to have any insurmountable problems (cost is an issue, but costs are paid mostly by the offender). Research is needed to carefully study whether transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices reduce drinking and DWI recidivism by offenders.

Details: Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2012. 136p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 24, 2014 at: www.nhtsa.gov

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: www.nhtsa.gov

Shelf Number: 132176

Alcohol Law Enforcement
Alcohol-Monitoring Devices
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving

Author: Robertson, Robyn D.

Title: Status of Alcohol-Impaired Driving in Canada

Summary: Alcohol-impaired driving has been a leading contributor to road crashes for three decades. During this period, progress reducing crashes involving fatal and serious injuries has been achieved and, today, fewer Canadians self-report driving after drinking when they thought they were over the legal limit. While this outcome represents an important milestone, it must be acknowledged that the scope of the problem has changed and Canadians should not become complacent about it. A renewed focus on alcohol-impaired driving emerged in April 2017 as the Canadian Federal Government introduced Bill C-45 or the "Cannabis Act", which proposed the legalization of possession, growing, selling, and consumption of cannabis (Bill C-45). Media reports have long indicated that this legislation was slated to become law by August 2018, although a delay is now anticipated due to significant public health and safety concerns that are shared by Federal and Provincial policymakers, agency staff and many Canadians. The potential consequences for road safety are equally profound in light of a substantial body of evidence which demonstrates cannabis impairs driving ability to varying degrees. In addition to Bill C-45, the Canadian Government also seeks to pass Bill C-46 which contains regulations proposed by the Canadian Government to manage impaired driving resulting from cannabis and other drugs (Bill C-46). Prior to the passage of Bills C-45 and C-46, and in light of data that reveal drug-impaired driving has increased (Robertson et al. 2016), it is timely to review and assess the current status of the alcohol-impaired driving problem to determine what progress has been achieved and what gaps within the criminal justice system remain. The purpose of this report is to summarize relevant Canadian data about alcohol-impaired driving that can inform discussion regarding drug-impaired driving legislation. With the upcoming legalization of cannabis and the proposed Bill C-46, it is paramount that Canada's impaired driving regime continues to be robust at this critical period to ensure progress continues and unintended negative consequences are avoided. This report examines current data and trends in alcohol-impaired driving across Canada, and highlights areas where declines have been achieved as well as specific areas where the problem persists. It also explores public perceptions about impaired driving in Canada and notes a decline in concern regarding this issue. In addition, this report considers the enforcement of impaired driving laws across Canada and analyzes the various challenges facing police agencies in terms of road safety enforcement and the number of competing priorities. This analysis is considered in the context of the existing burden on the court system, particularly as a result of the recent R. v. Jordan decision, and highlights significant public safety concerns in Canada due to impaired driving.

Details: Ottawa: Traffic Injury Research Foundation, 2018. 28p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 27, 2018 at: http://tirf.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Status-of-alcohol-impaired-driving-in-Canada-11.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Canada

URL: http://tirf.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Status-of-alcohol-impaired-driving-in-Canada-11.pdf

Shelf Number: 150931

Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving